View Full Version : numb tingling arm??

08-02-2012, 09:28 PM
Does anyone get a numb or tingling feeling in your whole arm and or shoulder from anxiety? ?? Woke up a few days ago with is, let it set for a few hours didn't to away so I went to the er ...had an ekg and blood work done, everything came back great but I still am getting this warm tingling feeling in my arm and shoulder under my arm pit....weird feeling, am I the only one with these feelings?? I hope not :-(

08-02-2012, 09:36 PM
Just got up from bed and took a xanax because I'm dealing with the same thing right now. It is terrifying since it is a primary symptom of a heart attack.

08-02-2012, 09:46 PM
It really is terrifying and it sucks!!! Most uncomfortable feeling ever!!

08-02-2012, 09:47 PM
Does yours come and go or is it constant? Does it seem to get worse as you think about it?

08-02-2012, 09:56 PM
I don't know if it comes with anything specific bit it does come and go..it went away most of the day yesterday after the er, but came back with a vengeance tonight....does your hand seem weaker and less functional? ? Mine like really does not work as well I swear! It's the oddest thing and feeling! !

08-02-2012, 10:25 PM
Mine definitely gets the worst when I lay down at night. I'm hoping maybe my back or neck is out of line and that's what is causing it.

It is my left hand and arm and I'm right handed so I guess I don't pay too much attention whether it is working right or not, but it would seem weaker since its "numb".

08-02-2012, 10:36 PM
This has happened to me too. I think it is because as we panic, blood circulates differently and less to the appendages. Mostly when I'm panicky.

08-02-2012, 11:39 PM
Yeah mine is my left hand and arm also! I try to tell myself its anxiety and I'm 99% sure it is since I went to the er for it and everything came back just fine ...buuuut it still gets me dang it!! :-/

08-03-2012, 12:57 AM
Join the "my left arm, armpit and hand is tingling/numb" group! this group has millions of members!

Another very common physical symptom of anxiety and sure enough you'll find its intensity is proportional to anxiety levels (i.e. it gets worse the more anxious you feel & can completely dissapear at times of total calm)

Actually, my left arm + hand is the only steady-state, physical symptom that reminds me I still have anxiety disorder.
It seems to be the most vulnerable part of my anatomy.

HOWEVER, I must admit, it feels like carpal tunnel syndrome - which actually wouldn't surprise me considering the amount of years I've spent on a computer.
SO, just to be cautious - if, in 6 months time I still have this (or it gets significantly worse) then I'll be getting it checked, but I'm quite sure it's just an anxiety transient.

08-03-2012, 03:22 AM
I get this all the time and also get it in my feet and calves. Does my head in but I know its just anxiety so I dont worry about it too much.

08-03-2012, 08:36 AM
Join the "my left arm, armpit and hand is tingling/numb" group! this group has millions of members!

Another very common physical symptom of anxiety and sure enough you'll find its intensity is proportional to anxiety levels (i.e. it gets worse the more anxious you feel & can completely dissapear at times of total calm)

Actually, my left arm + hand is the only steady-state, physical symptom that reminds me I still have anxiety disorder.
It seems to be the most vulnerable part of my anatomy.

HOWEVER, I must admit, it feels like carpal tunnel syndrome - which actually wouldn't surprise me considering the amount of years I've spent on a computer.
SO, just to be cautious - if, in 6 months time I still have this (or it gets significantly worse) then I'll be getting it checked, but I'm quite sure it's just an anxiety transient.

Another sense of humor!! LOL!...MILLIONS OF MEMBERS!!! I like it here..I will hang around until ADMIN thinks "I'm too strong"....HAHA!!


08-03-2012, 09:38 AM
This was one of the first symptoms I ever had when I started suffering from anxiety and panic attacks. First time it happened I called an ambulance as I thought I was having a heart attack. For years after that I wouldn't accept the fact that it wasn't to do with a heart attack or stroke. But I had my cardiovascular tests done, my heart & arteries are actually in great shape, which shocked me considering that I'm overweight. But I still insisted that something was wrong because of the numbness and tingling and warm sensation. And sometimes I felt like I had a band around my upper arm. Boy, did all that set off my panic attacks big time!! Finally, had a bunch of tests done on my arm, shoulder, neck & spine. I found out I have arthritis in my neck right where the nerve comes out from. That nerve controls the left side of the body, particularly left arm, hand, and even up into left side of face. The bone pushes on my nerve and causes all my arm symptoms. Also, because of my anxiety, I discovered I also tense up my shoulders all the time. This compresses the nerve even more!! So now I'm seeing a physical therapist & she's started me on hydrotherapy and shock horror.... it's actually helping my left arm issues!! And the chest pain I thought I was having, turns out it was my pec muscle being damaged from me tensing my shoulder!! Who knew right?!! But... it still manages to set off my panic attacks every now & then! Gets me panicking that I'm actually having a heart attack. Now I have to talk myself down. Reassure myself as to what it really is. Oh boy.... someone please. Find a cure for anxiety!!!!!!