View Full Version : Really Discouraged.

08-02-2012, 02:41 PM
Ive had anxiety on and off for 10 years. I feel like it is starting to take over my life yet again and anything and everything I do does not seem to help. I have a one year old and ever since I was 3 months pregnant Ive had issues with her dad. It got so bad I moved back with my parents and had to be put on zoloft (after surviving the first 3 months with no medication) my baby is perfect! She is happy, healthy, and absolutely the joy of my life. Once I had her I did the breastfeeding thing and remained on zoloft. I started getting worse anxiety so I thought maybe I should go back on adderall (the only medicine that has helped me truly get rid of anxiety prior to getting pregnant. Well it seemed to help and then all of a sudden I just started becoming worse. I mean I was pushed back into work, I had online school, issued with baby daddy still, and I was trying to have a small boutique (which did not last long at all!) Now I am on zoloft 50 mg but the dr has me taking 100 during or around my period and I just dont see anything changing other than I just want to sleep and I simply cant even cry anymore. My latest thing. My sisters friend had a sore throat and couldnt swallow good she went to the doctor after a day and a half and was told it was an allergy!? Really?! I thought it would happen right away like right after you eat. Now I have myself CONVINCED I could get that?! I mean I am not allergic to ANYTHING.. so why would I get that?! It is so annoying I just cannot get it out of my head and all I want to do is cry and now I cant even do that. apparently the zoloft has made me numb. also I have acid reflux so I guess that is where my throat discomfort comes from but really? I will never get this out of my head?! And I have to look for jobs again. I just started a hard course. My parents had to cover my bill for a new compressor in my car and I just feel like I am putting them out by being here I mean I am turning 30 in 3 weeks.. I seriously am all over the place! Someone just tell me that I wont die and this will pass... PLEASE?!