View Full Version : Worries

08-02-2012, 11:18 AM
Worrying is the only thing keeping me from being cured of my anxiety. Even after a good day I worry throughout the day about the next day. I know that worrying causes my anxiety initially and tell myself this but I still worry. Worrying about something caused by worrying. Obnoxious cycle that I see right in front of me but I can't break the cycle. How do I stop the process?

08-02-2012, 02:13 PM
There's a really good book called " stop worrying about worrying " look into it, it might help :)

jon mike
08-04-2012, 02:10 AM
Yes read this book :-)

08-04-2012, 02:39 AM
Some people are born excessive worriers, though. They just can't help it.
In my opinion, these are the folk who are most likely to develop anxiety disorder at some point - since their brain knows little else but to worry.

I guess that you need to keep ramming home the fact that worry is a pointless emotion. It does nothing but screw you up.

A composed, self evaluation of the anxious situation is often helpful... for example:

1/ Compose

You find yourself worrying... SO... STOP. STOP what you're doing right there. Perhaps take a seat if you must & compose yourself.

2/ Evalutation & think positive

Bring to the surface the thought that is worrying you so. Bring it out into the open so to speak or even write it down so it's there in front of you for analysis.
Say it's because of an up-and-coming work meeting you're not looking forward to.
Ask yourself WHY you're not looking forward to it and question whether your anxiety toward it is really justified.
I mean, it's only a meeting after all... it's not like you're up for a session of cat-and-nine-tails or entering a boxing ring with Mike Tyson, is it?
Besides, you can get lots of things off your chest in this meeting and actually gain more from it than lose.

You get my point...

Just stop & ask yourself why you're worrying and then see if you can justify it. Bet you can't? :-)