View Full Version : Bad day!

08-02-2012, 11:10 AM
So I am trying to talk myself down from going to the ER. My heart has been flip-flopping all day and I keep getting this sharp pain by my heart. I've been to the er many times in the past year and nothing. Been to 3 different cardiologists and again nothing! Could this really be from anxiety? I am home alone with my 3 kids and worried I am going to have a heart attack. I am always told it is anxiety and now possibly hormonal. Any thoughts?

cat eyes
08-02-2012, 02:09 PM
I go through the same thing. I been for a lot of tests and told all is from anxiety and panic attacks. Is your heart ok? Any heart issues?

08-02-2012, 02:56 PM
I've had scary heart palps, flutters, and chest pains for over 3 months everyday. I do believe it's anxiety and mine slowly went away! If your cleared by the docs I'm sure your fine! Start excersizing, I know your probably scared of excersize and so was I at first but trust me it helps big time!

08-02-2012, 02:58 PM
Oh, I could have been writing that myself. My latest anxiety and panic attacks have been surrounded around the thought of having a heart attack. I've dealt with anxiety for about 8 years now. It's been pretty controlled up until the past few months when I decided to start exercising to lose weight and get healthy. The increased heart rate from the exercise either triggered a panic attack that triggered chest pains or the chest pains triggered the attack. One never knows with anxiety. Anyway, it has put a hold on my exercising for fear I may have a heart attack while doing so. I'm going to my reg dr tomorrow to get his advice or to see if I should have some tests done again. It's a never ending circle.

08-02-2012, 03:59 PM
So I am trying to talk myself down from going to the ER. My heart has been flip-flopping all day and I keep getting this sharp pain by my heart. I've been to the er many times in the past year and nothing. Been to 3 different cardiologists and again nothing! Could this really be from anxiety?

By flip-flopping do you mean palpitations? (irregular beats)

Your question; could this really be from anxiety?

My answer; absolutely, yes... for you and millions of others.

Anxiety disorder is the product of a somewhat malfunctioned brain. Fear has swamped, overloaded and dominated your subconscious and will be igniting the "fight or flight" mode at it's own leisure.
This can happen any time, numerous times and the outcome is a plethora of the most unbelievably awful, physical symptoms - not least of all chest pain and heart palpitations.

Only way to cure this is to find methods of relaxing your grey matter and until you do, the symptoms will prevail.

Cognetive therapy is the best, known help for A/D.

08-02-2012, 04:14 PM
I've had lots of tests including nuclear stress test, Echo, EKG, blood work every time I go to ER. One cardiologist even told me he is 100% sure nothing wrong with my heart and he doesn't say that much. But I keep thinking drs can be wrong and they must be wrong in my case!

08-03-2012, 12:48 AM
> But I keep thinking drs can be wrong and they must be wrong in my case!

That's the case for most if not all anxiety sufferers who experience physical symptoms.

If you think about it logically, if we experience pain then we obviously think something is wrong - this is normal behaviour, right?
(That's what pain is - a signal that something's wrong)

So, regardless of knowing we have anxiety disorder, accepting the (ever evolving) physical pains is a real challenge... especially as they are SOOO frequent, different and triggered subconsciously by our own frickin' heads.

It's a tough one I know, BUT... after sufficient experience you'll come to terms with this. Some time after this acceptance the illness will dissapear.

Chin up and try to accept it.