View Full Version : New member - Anxiety symptoms???

02-21-2007, 03:02 PM
Hi everyone,

I'll be as brief as I can. My symptoms began just over a year ago, and are occassional pressure in various "spots" on the top/sides of my head. I also have what feels like a tingling/buzzing sensation on the left side of my face, which runs from beside my left eye, up and along my left eyebrow. Rubbing or splashing water on the area seems to bring temporary relief, but it comes back sooner rather than later. This can come on suddenly and last for days before disappearing for days or even weeks.

I have also suffered from Muscle Twitches for almost four years now. At the onset, I thought I was dying from some horrible illness like ALS. Thankfully, these have since 99% disappeared and are nowhere near as frequent as before. As I type this I have a tingling left eyebrow and a feeling or light heavyness/pressure on the upper left area of my head.

I was also diagnosed with High Blood Pressure in August last year. My girlfriend and I bought our first home in July last year, finally, after struggling to find a mortgage. I am almost convinced this episode of my life and the stress of buying a new home is what brought on these symptoms, especially the High Blood Pressure, which I am on medication (20mg pills) to control.

I had a CT scan done last August, which came back clean, as did my blood work ... low Cholesterol of 4.7. My doctor suggested "Tension headaches" and said that there didn't neccessarily need to be a headache pain with Tension Headaches, he said the tightness alone can be a symptom.

The thing that baffles me is that I don't feel "stressed out". Occassionally in work I'll focus on the tingling in my eyebrow and feel out of breath, which leads to light headedness, which leads to my heart beating rapidly and I feel like I might pass out. After this "episode" I tend to feel quite shakey.

My only real worry right now is money, with my girlfriend between jobs and not earning the wages she used to. However, I have money coming in next month and this will pay off a lot of my debt, so where is this anxiety (if it is anxiety?) coming from?

I don't fear tumours because I had a clean CT with "no lesions" on the file.

Any advice would be appreciated.


02-22-2007, 09:11 AM
Your symptoms seems similar to mine. I had headaches throughout the day, and my MRI came back clean as well. I finally spoke to a Neurologist and he said he thought it was anxiety. Although I have a very stressful job, and am getting married soon, I don't feel like I have a lot of stress or anxiety, but from what I've read, you can still have it and not realize it. I was just put on Lexapro (sugessted from my Neurology and Psyc I just went to). I'll see if it helps. I've been on it for 2 days and haven't had a headache yet, but I'm not sure if it's from the medicine yet or not. I would recommend you speaking to a Psyc like I did, as this may help you as well.

02-22-2007, 09:47 AM
The thing that baffles me is that I don't feel "stressed out". Occassionally in work I'll focus on the tingling in my eyebrow and feel out of breath, which leads to light headedness, which leads to my heart beating rapidly and I feel like I might pass out. After this "episode" I tend to feel quite shakey.

Anxiety is not "stress". The focusing on a symptom followed by trouble breathing etc. is a panic attack or anxiety episode whatever you wish to call it, look into this you wont believe it at first, but it sounds like an iron clad case to me.
