View Full Version : Anxiety Panic Attack , CBT, Mobile Apps , Relaxation

08-02-2012, 06:16 AM
HI there, Hoping some one out there can help me answer a few questions.
I first got what i think was a Panic attack (horrible feeling in head,,, confusion, tingling, pins and needles, hot and cold sensations in hands and weird feeling in skull etc) in November 2011.
After smoking weed for years, I realised this might have been the problem I have stopped this from that very day and wouldn't smoke again. I went to the doctor and he told me straight away it was anxiety and that if i changed my lifestyle and start yoga, and healthy eating etc. I would go back to normal

Does anyone know of any Mobile Aps to help with panic, anxiety, relaxation etc?
Also does anyone recommend CBT ? As i am thinking about trying this , as after changing to healthy lifestyle and doing homeopathy , nothing seems to work , as out of no where the other day. I got horrible feeling out of nowhere, something which i hadn't had since feb 2012. I have constant dizziness everyday, but this horrible feeling, can be so random and comes at any time.

Sorry for the detail and spelling mistakes here, I am just feeling 0103 right now, As i thought i was eventually getting better, and trying to put this whole thing behind me , and then out of nowhere it has all came back .

Hope to hear from you. Regards, Liam x

08-02-2012, 06:29 AM
I have not tried CBT yet but I heard it can be superior. As far as apps go I have only found very few hypnosis apps. However, if you can afford it "The Linden Method" is available as a mobile app. I haven't tried it yet either. I though I was doing pretty good, minimal anxiety and no panic attacks. Until.......this morning I woke up and had a panic attack and im still lying here not feeling well. I know what you mean by it coming back!

This really ticks me off because i really want to have a baby but these attacks are making me worried that I can't.

08-02-2012, 06:30 AM
I have a couple apparently that I found for my android phone. I searched bipolar and scrolled down...found a waterfall sound apparently, a tthunderstorm, and also ocean sounds...they were free you can program them with a sleep timer or just let them play. I find them to be helpful.

08-02-2012, 06:32 AM
Stupid android phone all those apparently's should be apps. Sorry about that

08-02-2012, 08:42 AM
That's kinds funny because all those apparentlys I read seemed fine to me and made sense in context!

08-02-2012, 12:53 PM
Thanks Guys for all your replies.
at The white rabitt. Hope you are now feeling better. I am kind of new to this whole thing & still not convnced its anxiety, as they come out of no where, no thinking and I dont have any chest problems or breathing. Mines is all in the head... weird feeling and then dizzyness, tingling etc. But A might give the CBT a bash.

I found a few apps for relaxation going to try them. Anyone got any other tips for dealing with this stuff?

08-02-2012, 01:34 PM
I'm doing ok, seem to be getting through work ok. A little hard to concentrate but hopefully it's over.

I would suggest, in addition to relaxation items: a good multi vitamin, magnesium and fish oil! This helped me a great deal!!

Good luck pm me anytime!


08-02-2012, 01:49 PM
Hi I'm currently doin cbt at the moment an I'm finding it very tough goin but it's seemin to work an gettin to the triggers an knowin what sets it off an learning how too control the attacks an thoughts x

08-02-2012, 08:05 PM
I don't have any chest problems or breathing problems either, mine is all in the head too. I get a very weird feeling, very dizzy, and very hot and sweaty, shaking and tingling. The worst time is when I'm driving or even in the car, but they happen even at home. I started effexor about 2 weeks ago, mainly for hot flashes I was having after my hysterectomy in Jan. It's a low dose, but it has helped my hot flashes a lot, but am having anxiety attacks daily, sometimes 2 or 3 a day. I don't know what CBT is, though. Was thinking of asking my doctor to increase the dose on my effexor. I'm a nurse and still not convinced it's anxiety, especially during an attack.

jon mike
08-04-2012, 02:17 AM
There are plenty of free online cognitive behavioural therapy informations online. Read into them when your feeling relaxed. Sit down and try to take it in, its so simple but helped me no end, dragged me out of hell and changed my view on life. X

08-05-2012, 09:42 AM
Thanks again guys, at jon mike, any links or good sources for trying this CBT, i have tried homeopathy , yoga , relaxation etc. But still having regular panic attacks and constant dizzyness and worying, I think i could say I am now depressed because of all the physical things coming back. I had been good over the last few months - since march with no attacks and then they came back out of nowhere last week.

Does anyone else have any suggestions of how to deal with setbacks. As i keep thinking about how good i was doing only a week ago.

Cheers, Liam x

08-05-2012, 09:56 AM
A great source for cbt is a book by Sam Obitz called been there done that do this. He really allows to see the source of you anxiety is from a bad thinking habit. If we can change our thinking habits we can change our views and beliefs we hold of ourselves.

08-08-2012, 07:30 AM
Thanks Drksydepne, Gonna try and get a hold of this, event thought there is lots of comments online saying that its a scam, crap etc. But I have also heard good stories about this.

It sad really that there is people out there up for scamming those looking for help.
Gonna keep looking for CBT mobile app's etc, as I have found a local CBT counsellor and its going to cost me £400 for ten sessions. But apparently this can
take away the panic attacks and improve the subsequent depression and anxiety, Anyone with any comments or advice regarding CBT will be much appreciated.
Cheers, Liam

08-08-2012, 07:45 AM
Trust me Liam. I have met Sam Obitz the writer of the book and it is not a scam. The book is an easy read and if you really take hold of the tools you can see great improvement. Supertao.com. I would lend you mine but I refer to mine often.