View Full Version : Voices in my head telling me to do things?

08-01-2012, 11:54 PM
These voices tell me to do everything. I am sorry if this question is in full caps, the voices told me i had to do it.

These voices tell me to do everything, they use to answer my questions with a yes or no, but lately, they have been commanding me to do things (like this cap locks). If i do not obey, the voices will kill my family and im scared!

The voices tell me i cant do things when i need to

example: When i need to go to the washroom, the voices tell me i cant touch the floor until a certain time.

Im really scared the voices will tell me to do something immoral or illegal! I dont want to do anything bad! The voices tell me if i get rid of them, they will kill my loved ones, i believe them and im scared!

08-02-2012, 01:31 AM
I'd recommend speaking to a doctor and get referred to a specialist as quickly as possible. have you discussed this with your family? You say voices plurral? Is it therefore not an inner monologue of thought etc? Things such as making up rules for certain situations such as being in the wash room and not touching the floor etc sounds somewhat like OCD. However you best contact a doctor as soon as possible and give them as much detail about when and where it started, how long it's lasted etc so you can get help to address the problem quickly.


08-02-2012, 02:09 AM
These voices tell me to do everything. I am sorry if this question is in full caps, the voices told me i had to do it.

These voices tell me to do everything, they use to answer my questions with a yes or no, but lately, they have been commanding me to do things (like this cap locks). If i do not obey, the voices will kill my family and im scared!

The voices tell me i cant do things when i need to

example: When i need to go to the washroom, the voices tell me i cant touch the floor until a certain time.

Im really scared the voices will tell me to do something immoral or illegal! I dont want to do anything bad! The voices tell me if i get rid of them, they will kill my loved ones, i believe them and im scared!

Call a hotline immediately. I don't know what your location is, but call 911 or your national equivalent for emergency services. If that is intimidating, Google search "your location + emergency/suicide hotline" and call them so they can help walk you through it.

Do everything in your power to fight the voices and get yourself there. You are a threat to yourself, and those around you. You deserve to live a life without these voices and these fears.

Call a hotline/emergency services immediately, I can not reiterate this enough. No one on the internet is properly equipped to help you with this effectively, and the bolded parts of your post make it obvious that this is a dangerous issue that needs to be handled immediately.