View Full Version : First Post About My Condition

02-21-2007, 12:16 PM
Here it goes:

I've had anxiety the last year and a half. I don't know what caused it, but all I know is that I do have anxiety.

All throughout my life I've always been the leader, the center of attention.
I always did well at school and excelled in sports. In high school, I played travel hockey, and varsity basketball and volleyball. I also bodybuilded from when I was 14-19, and just recently started lifting weights again.

I've always told myself that this was a phase and eventually it would pass and I would be back to my old self but a year and a half later, here I am.

How do I get back to being normal again, and by normal I mean, just thinking normal thoughts, not being on edge, not being nervous, not worrying about how my voice sounds, how I present myself, how I look.

I wake up 5-7 days a week with anxiety. I might go 4 hours without it then 48 hours straight with it. I've got plenty of friends, but I still get anxious even when I'm around them.

Even as I write this I'm experiencing some level of anxiety and am under the assumption that this post is written out of order, isn't properly formatted, etc.

I have problems speaking to people, and projecting my voice. I feel like I can't relax, even when I'm sitting down on my office chair. My body always feels tense, and I feel like my core (muscle/abs) isnt stabalizing my body. Frequently my brain feels like its not receiving enough oxygen and I can't think clearly.

This is just a few of my symptoms, any advice, help to start me off is greatly appreciated!

02-22-2007, 09:43 AM
Look up CBT Cognative Behavioural Therapy. This is the most common form of therapy and the techiques can be used in a self help stylie.
