View Full Version : Where to go from here

08-01-2012, 10:36 AM
Im David, im 32 and think ive been suffering from anxiety for about 3 years.
Over the last 3 months its gotten significantly worse and I have started to avoid doing little things through the fear of having a panic attack. For instance I went to the beach with my girlfriend at the weekend. She wanted to go to a restaurant but I got so worked up about having a panic attack in front of other people my mind went crazy, I started sweating, getting pins and needles in my arms and legs, felt I couldnt breath. In the end we just got fish and chips to eat on the beach but I couldnt eat them as I felt sick.
Today when I woke up I knew it was going to be a bad day. I had to go to work but after driving there I found that due to similar feelings to the restaurant episode I couldnt go in and had to ask for a holiday over the phone.
These are just 2 examples of things that are starting to become common. Im so worried about having a panic attack in public that Im stopping doing things I need to do.

This cant continue but I dont know where to go from here.
Ive got an appointment booked at the doctors but couldnt get in for another 16 days. Also ive been to see them about these feelings before but they seem to say its just one of those things you will get over.

Any advice please

08-01-2012, 11:16 AM
Howdy, I understand how you feel. often getting an anxiety attack or symptoms at a certain place can lead you to fear repeating the same experience again which leads to you become more and more secluded etc. If you really can't wait for a dr's appointment ring them first thing when they open and request an emergency appointment. That'll get you seeing a doctor that very morning (usually before midday). It sometimes helps talking to a medical professional, explain everything you can in detail and ask if they could put you on a waiting list for CBT. It's apparently a very effective way at tackling the anxiety ridden illogical way of thinking which is overtly negative and often creates no end of symptoms etc. I'm on a waiting list for CBT myself as the anxiety symptoms and fears and pains both mental and physical are becoming too much. I imagine once you get started with the therapy they might also work in a course of SSRI's to help you along with the very practical approach they have to effectively re-wiring your thought processes to stop these overly negative and illogical ways that we worry and panic etc.

In the mean time try and keep as active as possible. Distraction is very effective in keeping anxiety at bay. Try and refrain from become a DIY doctor and googling symptoms and pains etc because your worries will just feed off of it and in turn might become worse. Perhaps look at changing your diet if it's not too healthy and remember to get plenty of sleep. There's always people here to talk to as well as your gf, friends and family too.

Hope you feel better soon mate. But don't suffer in silence because often we need a helping hand in understanding our anxiety and being able to overcome it in time.


08-01-2012, 01:23 PM
Thanks Ed.

The most annoying thing with all of this is that I know that there is nothing physically wrong with me. I still play 11-a-side football twice a week. Its just that I feel embarrassed of having this problem and dont want it to happen in front of friends/family/colleagues.
I hope with the help of doctors etc I can get sorted.

Im going to try and discuss it with my parents at the weekend which will be a weight off my mind.

Thanks for the advice

08-01-2012, 03:22 PM

David - do you know where your anxiety stemmed from?
Did you experience some trauma 3 years ago before your anxiety started?

I'm wondering what exactly is playing on your mind (there's ALWAYS something with anxiety sufferers), but all I can deduce from your post is that you're anxious about being anxious in front of people?
Is this it do you think... or is there more to it than that?

Do you have a self perception problem? (perhaps think you're ugly?) - sorry, I know this sounds harsh but one must ask these questions in order to get a broader picture.

I doubt you have health anxiety since you play football regularly and aren't affraid to shovel fish & chips down your neck, lol

Health system waiting lists can be L O N G. If, by private health insurance for example, you can get it quicker then go the private route.
Also, the quality of a professional cognetive therapist (as opposed to a health sytem councillor) is usually superior, but a councillor is certainly better than nothing.

Have you tried medication? I'm not suggesting you do but certain medication will significantly reduce your anxiety as and when you need it.

08-01-2012, 04:10 PM
Dazza, thanks for the reply

The first time I ever felt anxious was during a first aid course at work believe it or not. I got myself incredibly worked up and when I asked to leave to go to the toilet I pretty much collapsed on the floor. I now know this was my first ever panic attack.
A few months later I was on a Stag weekend and had a panic attack after the third day of heavy drinking.
After that I suffered from really servere headaches for months and tried various medication to prevent them. Eventually I tried a drug called Topamax which worked and now I dont take any medication.
I think if im honest with myself the massive drinking session (which was not uncommon for me) probably did the most damage but signs were there from the first aid course that I was going to have some sort of problem.

Im willing to try anything to get better. I just know I need to act now as im getting gradually worse after each event where I feel anxious or have a panic attack.

Forwells, thanks for the book recommendation. I think at the moment im trying to convince myself that there is nothing wrong with me but clearly there is. Seeing as fooling myself that nothing is wrong isnt helping I may as well accept it and try to fix the problem.

08-01-2012, 04:41 PM
It's always interesting to note the cause or start of a persons anxiety disorder - more often than not it holds the key to your personal, cognitive issues, or at least it will play some, relative part somewhere along your journey back to a comfortable state.

However... I doubt the first aid course itself was the actual catalyst.
It was probably more the "social" fear of both building up to and being on the course, and/or a fear of "failing" the course that actually sparked it off?
Do you have a recognisable social phobia, do you think?
And/ or do you fear failure?

Oooooh and I concur with drinking causing panic attacks. Some of my worst attacks were triggered by a hangover!

Not that it will make much difference to you now, but note that although drinking WAS a nightmare for me to begin with... I'm back "on it" now and the hangovers are actually quite calming, lol
Oddly, it's only later in the day when the hangover is gone that I feel anxious!

Anxiety evolves... in positive ways, sometimes ;-)

08-01-2012, 04:52 PM
Dazza, ive found drinking is a major cause of panic attacks. This is quite a problem for me as Im a brewer. haha
I havent stopped drinking but its now once a month rather than every weekend and i make sure i have 2 days to recover (1 from the hangover and 1 just in case).

As for the fear of failing the course I really dont think thats it. It was just a refresher course although I remember the real thing that got to me was that the bloke kept going on about 'shock being the killer'

Im off to the docs in the morning. Hopefully I wont get too stressed having to go there and they can be of some help.

08-01-2012, 05:08 PM
Hmmm.. hard to say what the actual trigger was then. Perhaps the "shock being the killer" statement made you think of death.
(I know I'm banging on about the cause but it could help you from hereon)

Every weekend? same here... lol. I was really bad when I was single. Spent most of my weekends mooching about the house all hungover and lookin' like a tramp. Giggity.

Good luck at the docs. It's your first step to recovery (trust me... been there / done that)

08-02-2012, 12:28 AM
I have cancelled so many things due to anxiety. Or a panic attack...but I am bound and determined I will drag myself into the jewelry store this week and get the battery changed in my watch! I know that sounds small, but I'm taking baby steps!

08-02-2012, 04:02 AM
Been to the doctors this morning. I had to literally force myself to go in as I was so close to a panic attack. WHY??? Surely the doctors is the safest place in the world to be! F**king hate this.
Anyway, they have given me something called Fluoxetine 20mg tablets to take 1 a day.
Ive also been given an appointment for next Tuesday to speak to someone.

Wheels are in motion.

08-03-2012, 01:40 AM
> I had to literally force myself to go in as I was so close to a panic attack. WHY???

It's scary going to the doctors... that's WHY!

Well done for going. It's a tough journey but, no pain, no gain.
Keep the momentum going no matter what.

08-03-2012, 07:37 AM
That is what I take daily(20mg) and it helps a great deal. It takes time to work so give it a fair trial. Alankay

08-03-2012, 08:31 AM
I believe that to be what Eli Lilly patented years ago..Prozac. Um, I hope I dont get into trouble here already but find it hard to understand why a Dr. would give anyone with (anxiety/panic attacks) Prozac but everyone has their own opinions. I would like to add something in here that seems to be "news that people do not know about Dr's"..Not ALL Dr's can write ALL classes of prescription medications, if anyone didnt already know that?... Just because the sign on the door says "DOCTOR" does't mean he can write I,II,III's... Must have certain "cridentials" to be able to do this. (point being, I'm sure you discussed ANXIETY with him during your visit, and possibly PANIC disorder too) but here again in my honest opinion and hope I don't make things worse but allevaiting or attempting to releive the stresses on the mind and body in relationship to anxiety/panic has 0 to do with Prozac.. UHHHHHHH...I may be wrong here as I merely read small snippets of peoples issues but I'm guessing that something in the (benzodiazapine) class or even a potent anti-histamine like Hydrox may have been a much better alternative but as I stated not all Dr's can not write (benzodiazapines, opiates, dopamine agonist, etc. etc..0...Not trying to offend or upset anyone here, just dont see the logic behind hittin anxiety with one of the most well known anti-depressants. This is me, just being straight forward friends..Goodluck!
