View Full Version : Soooo dizzy and anxious.... Help!

08-01-2012, 04:34 AM
Hi guys, I could really do with some reassurance right now... I have been diagnosed with chronic hyperventilation syndrome due to me suffering with severe dizziness. I am really struggling to believe this diagnosis as i dont have light-headedness as such its more a vertigo feeling although the room doesnt actually spin - i also dont have any shortness of breath etc. I wasnt even given a scan and am so worried that they've just jumped to a diagnosis and might be missing something.... Im feeling absolutely horrendous right now and am on the brink of taking myself to A&E - although ive done this twice before and they have said there's nothing they can do for me there... I started fluoxetine 20mg a day on monday and am due to take my 3rd dose today but im feeling so bad and anxious and EXTREMELY dizzy/vertigo-y that i dont know if i want to take it as im worried these may be making me feel worse. My head feels awful and kinda foggy too (its all i can do to even write this!) I dont know why im posting really, just need some advice/reassurance etc from others who know about this stuff... Does this all sound like anxiety? Are there any of you that suffer with a vertigo-like dizziness due to anxiety? I havent really found anyone... most people say its a light-headed dizziness they have. Im totally freaking out right now..... HELP!

08-01-2012, 04:50 AM
I understand how u r feeling as infant suffered with panic and anxiety for nearly 25 years and can't think of a single symptom I haven't experienced. The ssri medication u r taking will cause u to feel foggy in the head at first. Nausea is common too along with headache and Loss of appetite but soon these shall subside. My heart goes out to you as I believe that this is one of the cruelest diseases one can have. Please feel free toessagr me anytime u want to talk. I am a registered nurse and I work nights so I'm up. :). Take care

08-01-2012, 06:33 AM
With any new Med you should probably give your body a week to ten days to adjust. If you have questions you should call the doc who prescribed the medicine. Try to relax, sounds like you have anxiety. Just remember you need time to adjust to any new situation, taking or stopping a Med. Hope this helps...feel free to msg me. :)

08-01-2012, 06:35 AM
I get dizzy and lightheaded from hyperventilating caused by anxiety. Sometimes you can be breathing wrong and not even realize it.

08-01-2012, 08:19 AM
I've had dizziness for about a week and a half now along with chronic headaches. Visited A&E and waited 2 hours for a 2 minute consultation. Doctor did a few balance tests. Close eyes arms outstretched. Walking heel to toe and following a finger with just my eyes. He said it was mild vertigo caused by anxiety and that I should simply rely on my "copin mechanisms". Felt a bit better but the dizziness has remained on and off snice then and only truly subsides when I lay in bed or when i'm busy such as cycling. I feel horrid when at work under those fluorescent lights so i guess there's some photosensitivty in the mix too. Pain killers sometimes help but I don't want to be munching on pain killers day to day because that's no way of getting by.


08-01-2012, 10:06 AM
I have been dealing with Anxiety forever. It subsides at times. But If I don't get enough sleep than my anxiety is terrible.

08-01-2012, 10:11 AM
Thank you everyone for replying! Still feeling awful - like my head is moving even when it isnt... and when i get up its even worse! Bleurgh. But your replies have helped me.... Have had dizziness every single day for last 7 months but nothing like this. Thought i was starting to get a bit better too which is why im finding it so hard to believe that this could all be anxiety! As well as the dizziness my head feels sooooo tight and uncomfortable if that makes sense. Just desperate to feel better!!! Thanks again everyone, its nice to know im not alone in this! :)

08-01-2012, 07:05 PM
The anxiety gets worse before better when you start a new med.. Try and hang in there!