View Full Version : Quit Zoloft.. help?

07-31-2012, 08:42 PM
Hi I'm 15 years old girl and suffer from anxiety and depression I sometimes have panic attacks I recently started taking Zoloft and they're not as bad.. in the beginning of June of this year (2012) I was taking 25mg but at the beginning I was only taking half of it (12.5mg).. but then I decided to take all of it completely. So the problem is 3 days ago I stopped taking it because I think I'm ready to quit it. But just now today this afternoon out of no where I started feeling nauseous, dizzy and as if I'm not here? Like everything is not real, like a dream and when I'm talking to my family I feel like they're just saying things to agree with me.. idk I'm just afraid of going nuts! I hate this feeling.. it's making me cry I wish I could stop feeling this way.. my question.. is this normal at all after taking Zoloft? I don't want to go back to it.. but I hate feeling this way.. and yes I have started going to a psychologist.. I started going about 2 weeks ago and I go once a week.. and I'm actually going this week. but I would like to know form an of you who have taken Zoloft if this is normal after trying to quit it? Thank you so much for your time I appreciate it... sorry if I'm posting on wrong section.

07-31-2012, 09:04 PM
Thank you for such quick response.. I've been taking them since June of this year and I thought I was ready to quit them. But yeah you might be right I should take them for longer.. I just don't want to take them for a long time.. my doctor told me I can stop taking them as soon as I feel better.. I'll be seeing him this August.. maybe I should see him sooner? I'm also going to see my psychologist this week.. I'm afraid to tell her she might think I'm crazy.. I just hate feeling like I'm living in a dream like this isn't real :( I guess it's my anxiety kickin back ugh


I am on Zoloft now but never quit.

What you are feeling is normal and is you brain adjusting without the drug .

In saying that you should not just quit them but cut down over a period of time.

I spoke with my doctor as i think you should , if you are getting side effects coming off you need to take them and cut down slower .

How long did you take them for ?? I noticed you said you felt better . That is what they are meant to do and stopping too early is a big problem in sysmptoms returning . Maybe you need to be on them longer .

cheers kev :)

08-01-2012, 06:58 AM
Oh Hun...talk to your doc! You should never just quit a Med unless you're told to...you can go into withdrawal! :) hope that helps....but please contact your Dr