View Full Version : Headaches

02-21-2007, 09:30 AM
I have had an headache for the past month or so and it doesnt seem to shift! It will go for a while but it wont be gone for long! It's all over my head, my head just feels really heavey and achey.

Does anybody else get these headaches and for this long?

Im getting worried now thinking ive got something serious wrong with me as I think I spend too much time on the pc :?

02-21-2007, 12:46 PM
Anyone? :cry:

02-22-2007, 08:00 AM
I've been getting headaches, too. I usually take some Ibuprofen or maybe take a walk outside and it goes away.

Yoga helps with my headaches as well. I get headaches when I get home from work and do some yoga and it goes away.

Mine are usually tension. From my eyebrows down into my jaw and neck. It's miserable!

02-22-2007, 08:34 AM
I've been getting headaches also. Mine were really bad, causing dizzyness, and feeling faint. The really bad ones have gone away, but I still have reoccuring headaches. MRI's and everything were normal. I was told it was anxiety/stress causing it. I was just put on (yesterday) Lexipro, so this is my second day. We'll see if it helps out.

02-22-2007, 09:50 AM
I have had an headache for the past month or so and it doesnt seem to shift! It will go for a while but it wont be gone for long! It's all over my head, my head just feels really heavey and achey.

Does anybody else get these headaches and for this long?

Im getting worried now thinking ive got something serious wrong with me as I think I spend too much time on the pc

Yes headaches are a common symptom I get them when stressed or worried. Not much you can do just try to relax. :unsure:

Stay Strong


P.S. No need to shout!

02-22-2007, 06:45 PM
thank you everyone.

I will just take it as being stressed.

P.S I wasnt shouting :( if I was shouting, I WOULD OF DONE THIS!!!! :tongue: