View Full Version : how do I ask for help?

07-30-2012, 05:58 PM
Recently I've had thoughts about cutting, even though I know its not something that will help at all. I also feel like everything I do is a dream... Or even a memory. Its so weird.

I also feel alone cause I'm home schooled and I try to make friends online so maybe I could met them in real life, but people local don't want to talk to me or met up.

I've also been told I'm ugly, by local people and others. I even clean my self and dress properly and I make the most of my appearance but people still say I'm ugly.

I don't feel like my self. I have trouble telling people what's going on. Idk why. Maybe cause sometimes cause I feel like in winning and complaining cause there are purge people that go through a LOT more then I do and they don't say anything at all.

I just don't know.