View Full Version : Fear of accusations?

07-30-2012, 02:19 PM
I am volunteering at a camp this week and my first day went pretty well. Except for the fact that a girl accused me of calling her fat last summer when I was a camper. According to one of the staff members, she burst into tears and that I need to stay away from her group and leave the activity I am currently helping in the event that she comes into said activity. They did not tell me her name, so I cannot know when she is there. I tried explaining that I didn't call her fat. Here's why: my sister, when I was very young, fell to an eating disorder. I cannot make fun of someone for being fat because I've seen what it causes.
This situation has pissed me off so much that I might just quit and bike with my parents all week. I have no clue what to do. It's not fair that I've been falsely accused by this girl and this has tainted my overall good experience with this camp.

08-03-2012, 10:38 AM
You should try not to worry about this. It will all be forgotten soon and everyone will be talking about something else. I would also suggest that you talk to this girl and let her know that you feel thar you have upset her in someway and that it was unintentional. Tell her your sorry. You might want to get a staff member to help you. good luck

08-03-2012, 10:54 AM
I'm probably going to step over the line here so apologies in advance, but some fat (can I say "fat"? <looks over shoulders>) people are WAY overly sensitive about their weight and having been mocked SO many times in the past, they believe that everyone is out to get them.

Their sensitivity is sometimes SO high that even the most innocent of actions from a neighbouring fellow can be mistaken as a piss take.

You probably said... "Oh, my bicycle tyre is FLAT"

Fat <looks over shoulders again> girl thinks your said "FAT", not "FLAT".

Ahhh... you know where I'm coming from.

Unfortunately, some people's overly sensitized state can get others in trouble for no reason but their own.

I'm assuming you didn't actually call her a lardy, by the way... :-/

08-03-2012, 12:33 PM
walk above the flames friend..you must know in your own mind that you were not in the wrong, then you'll get back on the horse. Please do not dwell on this issue because it will heighten the anxiety beyond the size of ordeal that this actually is. Then your internal systems will merely amplify the whole mess even worse. Forget it..move on, forward.. Just some thoughts.


08-04-2012, 01:21 PM
I just quit. I basically told the director "fuck this. I don't know who this girl is, but I'm not going to fall back into self destruction to volunteer here. I'm not showing up tomorrow" I spent the week hiking with some friends instead/

08-05-2012, 08:55 AM
Oh no...this "chronic stress input" or event will come back to haunt you later Yanni as much as I HATE typing that..I do wish you the best however..(sigh)


08-05-2012, 10:09 AM
That is bs. I agree with dazza,some overweight people can be so unreasonably sensitive. There will always be stupid situations in life you just have to walk away from and forget about because it's not worth it. I used to be fearful of accusations,but am getting past it. Realize this happens in life. People get jealous,some people like to stir things up,some people need attention so bad they will make another person look bad so they are in the spotlight. Who knows why she did it. I feel for you because I've been accused of false things before too.