View Full Version : starting intense group therapy for ptsd/panic...am scared.

07-30-2012, 07:16 AM
My current therapist says she can't help me anymore that I need this group. Its 2 hours a week for 18 months.I have done group therapy twice before but those were nothing compared to what I'm told this will be like. I have had 11 severe traumas...was told that trauma was oozing out of every pore. I'm really scared at what might be brought to the surface. The therapist is right...I internalize everything. And I know I have to do this. Just scared. Any advice? Or words of encouragement? Thanks in advance--Kara

07-30-2012, 09:45 AM
Take a minute and imagine a wonderful session, one where you gain a really keen insight and solve yor panic attacks by abreacting.

07-30-2012, 11:49 AM
Take a minute and imagine a wonderful session, one where you gain a really keen insight and solve yor panic attacks by abreacting.

You are right. I've been stressing over it for a while now. Good news is my mom called today...we haven't spoken in 2 months. I hung up on her that day because she told me there's nothing wrong with me. I am bipolar type 1 and have bipolar psychotic issues...if I get too high or too low I hallucinate. I have anxiety problems, I also get hemiplegicc migraines and fibromyalgia. The only thing she doesn't get mad about is the heart problem. But we usually talk an hour a day. She's my best friend and mom...I reached out by email and she called me. We had a nice conversation, avoided certain topics. I'm just glad she's back in my life :)