View Full Version : Is this caused by anxiety?

07-29-2012, 08:33 PM
I have sharp chest pains, like REALLY sharp painful chest pains randomly, never constant for more than 5 minutes.
They are only on one side of my chest. Yesterday, they were on the left, and today, they are on the right.

HELP! I'm freaking out! I know its not a heart attack or anything because im only 15.

My information is -

15 Y/O Male
5' 10"
140 lbs.

Very athletic no immediate family history of heart disease.

I do have panic disorder.

Just please help.. I dont even know if im explaining this right.. :l
But if you somewhat understand what im saying... help.

Can fatigue cause this?

cat eyes
07-29-2012, 08:38 PM
I usually get this too and I had a full cardio work up and was told its gas or acid reflux. Anxiety does a lot to you. To ease your mind go tithe doctor.

07-29-2012, 09:34 PM
I have it too. I'm 18. 5*7. And 140 pounds. I do have a heart condition. But on heart is ok.
But today was the worst chest pain I've felt yet. It was on the left side right by my breast. Where ribs meet sternum. It would last 3 to 5 seconds and then come back about 30 seconds later. It was intense pain and I was so scared. My boyfriend offered to take me to hospital cause I was crying but I know it had to to be anxiety so I sat through it and drank some hot tea and took a nap. When I woke up I map totally fine . I just hate that I can tell myself its just anxiety but I still get physical symptoms.