View Full Version : Issues with movies?

Slammed Vdub
07-29-2012, 06:10 PM
Does anyone else have issues with movies? Like as in, watching a series and when the series is over you get depressed and whatnot? For some reason when i do, my anxiety strikes up and i get depressed for some dumb reason. Like i finally finished the Harry Potter series, which im not even that into, and i got into a "slump" when i finished the last one. Idk if i just wish my life was with that or what.. After i graduated high school my anxiety started. Its like im caught in a cycle because im no longer a kid (graduated 2 years ago) and i realize just how much growing up sucks.... So can anyone relate to this? or am i just weird.

07-29-2012, 07:07 PM
Well, luckily there is an unlimited amount of media to watch, so you can just move onto something else!

Slammed Vdub
07-29-2012, 09:55 PM
pretty much everything causes the same feeling. guess im just weird lol

07-30-2012, 01:03 AM
I'd be questioning my sanity if I was watching Harry Potter in the first place! ;-)

Kinda understand it. You've pretty much said it yourself in the original post:

> i realize just how much growing up sucks

From this statement I gather that you associate the ending of a series/movie as the close of another chapter in your life.
Another step up the ladder to getting older.

But, with every close of a chapter, another, more exciting one begins...

07-30-2012, 07:24 AM
Years ago, when I was having really bad panic attacks, I would self-medicate by doing crosswords. It was my prime avoidance mechanism. Once the crossword was finished, I'd feel an incoming rush of the depressive emotions and angst that you mention. It's all part of the process. Try and realize that it's just fear in your senses again, and "normalize" it if you can. That way, you won't feel too alarmed or get sad or anxious successively as you keep practicing the next time.