View Full Version : Advice for anxiety attacks? :(

07-29-2012, 05:18 PM
Hello, sorry if I don't make much sense. I'm Paul and i've got my first psychiatrist appointment soon (high intensity behaviour cognitive therapy) My anxiety is more or less focused on three things: being attacked, social situations and my health. I haven't been ever told, 'your anxiety is this kind' though so i can't put a name to it really - sorry :(

I've come here because i'm so scared right now and it's so late at night. I've been okay for a few days then last night my heartbeat fluttered for about a minute and since then im feeling muscles twitching now and then, and even though i tell myself the symptoms are nothing serious and i try to think rational i still feel so scared as if something awful might happen and i have a horrible illness. I only really get these symtoms at night anyway but tonight i got myself so worked up and i was crying so i posted on yahoo answers and was directed here. It just helps to talk to people I guess and I kind of don't want to feel alone.
The last time I had an anxiety attack it was about my heartbeat and i ended up checking my heartbeat using the iphone heart rate app every couple of minutes.

Does anyone have any advice that might help me get through it?

Btw i'm kind of worked up right now and this is my first time posting on this forum so im sorry if i did anything wrong or offended anyone.

07-29-2012, 07:10 PM
I'm sorry, dude. I'm a hypochondriac, too. Ive freaked out so many times about things that turned out to be nothing, so now, I'm like, it would be too big of a coincidence if there WERE anything actually wrong with me. I dunno, I just assume that everything is in my head now and I'm still here...

07-29-2012, 08:07 PM
Hello, sorry if I don't make much sense. I'm Paul and i've got my first psychiatrist appointment soon (high intensity behaviour cognitive therapy) My anxiety is more or less focused on three things: being attacked, social situations and my health. I haven't been ever told, 'your anxiety is this kind' though so i can't put a name to it really - sorry :(

I've come here because i'm so scared right now and it's so late at night. I've been okay for a few days then last night my heartbeat fluttered for about a minute and since then im feeling muscles twitching now and then, and even though i tell myself the symptoms are nothing serious and i try to think rational i still feel so scared as if something awful might happen and i have a horrible illness. I only really get these symtoms at night anyway but tonight i got myself so worked up and i was crying so i posted on yahoo answers and was directed here. It just helps to talk to people I guess and I kind of don't want to feel alone.
The last time I had an anxiety attack it was about my heartbeat and i ended up checking my heartbeat using the iphone heart rate app every couple of minutes.

Does anyone have any advice that might help me get through it?

Btw i'm kind of worked up right now and this is my first time posting on this forum so im sorry if i did anything wrong or offended anyone.

I am the same way...agoraphobic, scared I'm dying. I have had so many tests run. I have a rheumatologist a neurologist a therapist, group therapy, a psychiatrist and a primary care doctor. I do truly have health problems, but always think its worse than it is. When I panic...I focus on breathing...I learned it in yoga. Also I am into aromatherapy. You aren't alone. You have come to the right place.

07-29-2012, 08:08 PM
I too have this issue. I have ended up in the emergency room more times than I can count thinking I was having a heart attack. Have you ever tried putting your pointer finger and middle finger on your wrist to feel your heart beat? I learned this from a doctor in the emerg and not only does it show me that my heart beat is normal, but it also somehow calms me down by feeling the pulse.

07-29-2012, 08:48 PM
Hey Paul, for starters your absolutely not alone! and your symptoms are something ive also delt with personally.
For me what worked was the realization that it was just panic and then instead of resisting the mental phantoms
Id go with them..and do my best not to react emotionally to the scary thoughts. It help diffuse them.

Its kinda of the same concept as... lets say..someone giving you a hard time about your shirt...and instead of reacting negatively
and feeling upset and possibly giving them a hard time back.. you'd say ''you know what... it is a really crappy shirt, I look like a total idiot today''
and by doing that you take the power back..

I learned I could do the same thing to my scary reactive thoughts...

07-29-2012, 09:16 PM
My first attack was from a palpitations also. It was the scariest thing in my life.

07-29-2012, 11:44 PM
Your not alone , and no need to apologize :) I just wish we were all closer together so we could make some really good friends and have are own little support group ... But this is a great forum and there's lots of great support here... U are not alone and the mind can cause your body to react in crazy ways.... If u ever need to talk just message :) breath, relax, and try to find some peace