View Full Version : migraine with no headache?

02-20-2007, 03:01 PM
I have had severe anxiety for about a year and a half. About a year ago my trapezius muscle started to spasm. It doesn't feel like a spasm to me what it feels like is the muscle gets tensed up and won't release. I have tried every pill, exercise, massage, cortisone shots, you name it I tried it. Well my doctor decided to send me to a neurologist and he said he thought I had migraines and gave me some Imitrex samples. He told me to take one and one xanex at the same time then repeat in 2 hours. I did it and to my surprise was pain free. I do not have any kind of head ache all the pain is in my shoulder, neck and upper back on only the right side. Anyone else heard of anything like this?