View Full Version : seesaw effect

07-28-2012, 07:52 PM
Ive had a better week, but today ive just been out of it. My skin doesnt look as good as it has been (breaking out a little after clearing up) and I feel like ive been kicked in the gut and all my progress has been taken away. How do I keep my progress going forward and not fall back into a black hole that ive been in for the past few months? Ive been super motivated about moving forward with my life, but I got pushed down a few pegs today.

07-28-2012, 08:18 PM
You're not alone...I'm feeling the same way today. I'm pretty new to anxiety, and I've only had one true panic attack, which happened about 6 weeks ago. The anxiety comes and goes, every day pretty much...I have had very few days where I don't feel the anxiety buzzing around to some extent. I'm with you completely...being new to anxiety, it is SO hard for me to accept this "out of the blue", feeling fine one minute, then the next minute, bam, here comes the uneasy feelings, butterflies in stomach, adrenaline rush, nervous feelings. I have started using Xanax as needed...I DESPISE using medication, but for right now (I have also started seeing an anxiety counselor), the medication, helps me....but I still really don't like it. :(

Hope things start getting better for you again....

10-13-2012, 04:01 AM
Anxiety is worst thing ever,stay strong

10-13-2012, 11:18 AM
Anxiety is worst thing ever

Disagree... it's not as bad as AIDS, lol