View Full Version : Friends wedding tomorrow, afraid I won't be wanted

07-28-2012, 02:51 PM
Its the wedding of an old friend of mine tomorrow.
We haven't been in touch much be as we've both been busy, I've been having a bit of a meltdown and just lost my job, haven't had her phone number in a while. I didn't go to her first hen weekend as I couldn't afford it and the second one recently was at the greyhound races and im not comfortable with that and I was exhausted so didn't go.
I sent her a Facebook message last night saying I'm sorry I haven't been in touch, that I've been having a tough time (am sure she's sick of hearing that!) but would see her tomorrow but she didn't reply so I am really nervous and depressed, on top of all my worry about getting fired and losing my flat.
I know it is silly and she is really happy go lucky and bad at keeping in touch and hardly uses Facebook and she's getting married tomorrow. I guess I feel really guilty for not being around and am not sure if I'm still wanted.

07-28-2012, 03:15 PM
I don't want to sound too harsh but it's the night before her wedding so you will be the least of her worries. She will be nervous about tomorrow and concentrating on last minute preperations. She won't have had a minute to text anyone- all she will be focused on is getting married. Try not to dwell on it, you are an old friend of hers and she will be delighted to see you tomorrow.