View Full Version : anyone have chronic chest pain or costochondritis?

07-28-2012, 06:21 AM
Hello all,

I am wanting to ask a couple questions. I, like so many others have alot of chest pain, I still struggle sometimes to believe it's not my heart, but I am doing a lot better about that, and would just really like some relief.

As far as my situation, I get pain in the left side, right where the ribs meet the sternum, the pain can be sharp, dull, achy, pressure, squeezing, etc.. Sometimes it feels like there is a balloon in my chest. The pain also goes in to my ribs on the left side, the shoulder, upper back, lower back, etc..

I have also noticed that the juncture of the ribs and sternum seems to be swollen, it is quite a bit bigger than the right side, I think it is the cartledge, but I'm not sure.

I have not been formally diagnosed with anything, the doctor is too busy telling me it's not my heart instead of telling me what it actually is, so I am just wondering for anyone else out there, do your symptoms match mine? What have you done to help yourself? Is there anything other than a handful of motrin that helps?

Background, the pain that I have has been present almost non stop for about a year now, I do smoke and I have acid reflux which I take omeprazole for daily.

07-28-2012, 07:14 AM
I was always at the er thinking I was having heart problems with aches and pains around that area . As the doctor said not every ache and pain in ya chest is Bad . We have so many muscles and tendons around our heart and chest area , and with stress involved it can make it feel a lot worse then what it really is . Just try and remain calm . If u r that convened , as I was I asked for a referral to get a ultra sound of my heart , if there is anything wrong big or small the ultrasound will tell ya . Get a ultrasound done of the heart .

07-29-2012, 02:52 AM

The sternum/rib junction swelling is probably some kind of inflamation of cartilage.
(Look up costochondritis or tietze syndrome as possibilities)

Does it hurt when you press it?

Your doctor probably shrugs it off because they know it's likely nothing and will self-cure.

However, us anxious folk are super sensitive & vulnerable to aches & pains. Often, just the most harmless, little twinge can set us off - so perhaps it would be best for you to have it treated? up to you really.

Other than the above... anxiety can play absolute havoc with our chests. I've had all kinds of shite going on in this area which can still frighten the hell out of me, despite being well experienced with it.

My latest episode was on Friday night just gone. I'd eaten too much at a local Chinese buffet (all you can eat) and the discomfort in my stomach set me off!
Ended up with not only being bloated, but also with a megga painful chest for a good hour or so after.

Serves me right for being a piggy-wiggy!

07-29-2012, 07:01 AM
Thanks dazza, yeah I am doing ok on the anxiety part of it, but I am just really tired of hurting all the time.

I've read that costo and tietze clear up on their own, but this has been present for a year now and I just don't know what to do to make it go away!

Thanks for the input.

07-29-2012, 07:20 AM
Go find out what the swelling is (if anything). I would if I were you... at least then you can put that issue to bed.

As for the pains caused by anxiety... there isn't much you can do about those.
Obviously the cure is to solve the anxiety disorder but until this is so, you'll continue to get them i'm affraid.

Despite a mild hangover I've had almost no indication of anxiety today - and no pains.
However, tomorrow could be a different story - I may be riddled with it.

Ya just never know this with anxiety malarky. Every day brings surprises!

07-29-2012, 08:44 AM
That's true, I've made great strides with the anxiety but I know I am a long way from cured.

I will try to force the doctor to tell me what's going on when I go back, for now I am uninsured for the next couple months due to a job change, but we shall get that figured out.

07-29-2012, 10:35 AM
I used to get chest pains daily. nowadays it's a lot less but still occurs. I did the usual ER visit and got the all clear for heart related disorders. but it continued and being unhappy with the visit to ER and my GP's I decided to go to a chiropractor. She said it was "probably" tietze's syndrome. Somewhat similar to costochondritis. The lack of definitive answer kept me worrying. She did various back and neck adjustments for my posture as well as using a rib adjuster. All in all I did about 3 months of chiropractic work and the pains continued. For me though pains come and go. When they come, I fixate and no other symptoms really get in the way. For instance at the moment its base of the skull and neck pain as well as dizziness. But 2 weeks ago it was constant stomach pain and lower rib pain. A month ago it was bad headaches and eye strain.


07-30-2012, 01:59 AM
I have had chest pains many times daily for the past 6 years. I'm trying to get help for them now through my psychiatrist and my general doctor. Do get help if it is affecting your life. Good luck!