View Full Version : No where land...HELP

02-19-2007, 04:15 PM
:cry: Well for me ive been in this cycle for about two months and only had this anxiety and depression about 3 time in my life.They do seem to be getting harder to come out of most of the time its 3-6months they last,but anyways for the last 3 weeks and for some reason i dont know why it wont go away and i think if it did id be almost 100% i have this feeling of depersonalion,a unreal feeling,zoned out,a feeling of being there but not.I can tell you it has to be the worst feeling ever.Ive did drugs about 9 years ago that made me feel this same way :unsure: .Im sure there are others with this problem its common with haveing a panic attack,but im getting it even when im calm.Does anyone else have this system because it makes me this im going to end up losing my mind because at times it seems to get worst to the point where i dont respawned as well to people as i should.Well going to try to sleep its the only time i feel good :D .Hope everyone gets over there problems or at least gets some releif.

02-20-2007, 02:24 AM
Just because you feel calm dosent mean you are suconciously worrying. You may even find fear of the symptom itself triggering the symptom. This seems like a inescapable circle, but it is not. Knowing the trigger is the important thing when you feel ill you can then tell yourself it is just stress and nothing to worry about. If you can stop worrying about the symptoms they will go away.
