View Full Version : Just some advice please

07-27-2012, 11:33 PM
Lately I've been getting severe pain on the top of my foot. Once it's there it radiates to my whole foot and ankle and then there seems to be numbness. I'm going to make an appointment to see the doc on Monday. I realize my anxiety makes my symptoms worse. I held off going to the doctor for a couple weeks because it comes and goes. I won't have an issue one day but it will be hard to walk the next. Even laying here now my legs feel electrified and crampy, but there s no pain. Anybody have foot/leg problems that they can help me understand? Of course I googled the problem and stuff like diabetes, heart disease, and sciatic nerve issues come up. I stand all day at work and walk alot, so I was thinking it was a muscle. It doesn't seem to happen when I wear flip flops and also seems less when I take off my shoes. I don't think it's my shoes though because I switched them out and it didn't help (unless it's flip flops). I know, shoes seem obvious.

Also, this could be just stress manifesting, but it seems that I have pain on the inside of my elbow when it happens.

Any advice would be appreciated.

07-27-2012, 11:55 PM
I think I know what your talking about. Dec 2011, I first started experiencing serious anxiety and panic attacks in Puerto Rico. I had this pinched nerve feeling coming from my feet then bolt through my body to my arms. Felt weird and scary.. I still don't know what causes them however, I was suffering from health anxiety thinking I had a health problem because a flu was passed around which scared everybody. I experienced pinched nerve feelings in my feet, headaches, social phobia, weird spasms in my throat, and I've been to the ER and had an EKG and blood tests done with everything negative only for them to tell me it was ANXIETY. I felt better afterwards but time to time from then I've been noticing those symptoms coming back.

07-28-2012, 07:43 AM
Thanks BK, I hope it is nothing. The pain is annoying and the numbness is scary.