View Full Version : I am not positive, but is there any...

07-27-2012, 11:15 PM
Hello Everyone,

I've been reading other threads on here, and would first like to thank you all for taking the time in supporting one another. I am glad that we all can relate.

I am new here on this forum, and I am not positive, but is there any hope left for me?

I am 25 years old, and was diagnosed medically with hypothyroidism, high blood pressure and was border-line of pre-diabetes about 2 months ago. Currently, my thyroid gland is under control as well as the blood pressure with medication. I have been doing a strict exercise routine, in which I went from 21% body fat to 13% body fat in the past 2 months.

However, my psychiatrist diagnosed me with GAD. Around November of 2010, I was taking an Anatomy/Physiology course. We had lab, and we were observing a cadaver. I was one of the very few students who was up close to the cadaver and suddenly my instructor stated how the individual had passed away. The story on how it passed away, really got to my head, and I started sweating, and took a couple steps back from the cadaver in my very first lab.

I then was worried, and started questioning myself: Am I anemic? Is there anything wrong medically with me? I quickly went to my PCP, and found out that I was super healthy and that it was a panic attack. All through the semester, I then just hated attending school. In my other class, I would sweat, and then my heartbeat would rise, and I would analyze and question myself "What is wrong with me?" I then turned into the guy that would sit in front of the classroom into the guy that would sit all the way at the back, because I didn't want people to stare at me, and say "Why is his skin turning grayish/pale?" I remember my Anatomy professor telling me "Your skin was gray and I was worried for you."

I struggled in that year, and pushed myself to my limits, I tried visiting the Cadaver, and tried studying and touching it to get comfortable. I was really shocked at how I was because I am a very confident man, I used to sing in front of 200 strangers and used to dance with passion in front of people! If you were to ask me to perform right now, I would do it with confidence!

In 2011, I didn't feel the anxiety anymore. However, this year, in the past 2 weeks, I started feeling it again in class. It always happens in class for some odd reason. I cannot focus on what my instructor is teaching and my mind zones out, and then I worry "Will I faint? I don't want to humiliate myself. My heart is about to beat fast, I better breathe and control my breathing." In addition, while driving to the classroom, as the freeway loops around, I fear that I might get into an accident and I once got muscle tensions.

Couple months ago, I was at a theater, watching a play, and we sat upstairs, and I was scared that I might fall and humiliate myself. When I am at the post office or at a bank, and waiting in line, I think people are looking at me, and then I start to sweat and I get scared thinking I might faint. I have become a perfectionist via my looks and just always want to be perfect looks wise and it really is affecting my academic life.

Next year, I will be starting graduate school for 4 years, and I seriously want to clear this without medications. How can I pass graduate school if I have this anxiety in me?

I have taken the best steps, by dieting, living a healthy lifestyle and working out. I have been taking my medications for the medical conditions I have listed above. However, I am not positive, but is there any hope left out there for me?

I have read about Cognitive behavioral therapy, I know there are natural herbal remedies out there, and I know that there are a ton of books, but what is the best thing that I can do to cure this anxiety? I tried a therapist, who had a masters degree in counseling therapy and unfortunately, I did not benefit from her services.

I am so sorry for the long post, I just felt like I needed to express myself and obtain assistance from those who are actually going through what I am going through or from those who have previously dealt with what I have dealt with. I would like to live in the present mindfully.

I hope to hear from you all soon, and thank you all in advance.

07-28-2012, 09:55 AM
Hello Everyone,

I've been reading other threads on here, and would first like to thank you all for taking the time in supporting one another. I am glad that we all can relate.

I am new here on this forum, and I am not positive, but is there any hope left for me?

I am 25 years old, and was diagnosed medically with hypothyroidism, high blood pressure and was border-line of pre-diabetes about 2 months ago. Currently, my thyroid gland is under control as well as the blood pressure with medication. I have been doing a strict exercise routine, in which I went from 21% body fat to 13% body fat in the past 2 months.

However, my psychiatrist diagnosed me with GAD. Around November of 2010, I was taking an Anatomy/Physiology course. We had lab, and we were observing a cadaver. I was one of the very few students who was up close to the cadaver and suddenly my instructor stated how the individual had passed away. The story on how it passed away, really got to my head, and I started sweating, and took a couple steps back from the cadaver in my very first lab.

I then was worried, and started questioning myself: Am I anemic? Is there anything wrong medically with me? I quickly went to my PCP, and found out that I was super healthy and that it was a panic attack. All through the semester, I then just hated attending school. In my other class, I would sweat, and then my heartbeat would rise, and I would analyze and question myself "What is wrong with me?" I then turned into the guy that would sit in front of the classroom into the guy that would sit all the way at the back, because I didn't want people to stare at me, and say "Why is his skin turning grayish/pale?" I remember my Anatomy professor telling me "Your skin was gray and I was worried for you."

I struggled in that year, and pushed myself to my limits, I tried visiting the Cadaver, and tried studying and touching it to get comfortable. I was really shocked at how I was because I am a very confident man, I used to sing in front of 200 strangers and used to dance with passion in front of people! If you were to ask me to perform right now, I would do it with confidence!

In 2011, I didn't feel the anxiety anymore. However, this year, in the past 2 weeks, I started feeling it again in class. It always happens in class for some odd reason. I cannot focus on what my instructor is teaching and my mind zones out, and then I worry "Will I faint? I don't want to humiliate myself. My heart is about to beat fast, I better breathe and control my breathing." In addition, while driving to the classroom, as the freeway loops around, I fear that I might get into an accident and I once got muscle tensions.

Couple months ago, I was at a theater, watching a play, and we sat upstairs, and I was scared that I might fall and humiliate myself. When I am at the post office or at a bank, and waiting in line, I think people are looking at me, and then I start to sweat and I get scared thinking I might faint. I have become a perfectionist via my looks and just always want to be perfect looks wise and it really is affecting my academic life.

Next year, I will be starting graduate school for 4 years, and I seriously want to clear this without medications. How can I pass graduate school if I have this anxiety in me?

I have taken the best steps, by dieting, living a healthy lifestyle and working out. I have been taking my medications for the medical conditions I have listed above. However, I am not positive, but is there any hope left out there for me?

I have read about Cognitive behavioral therapy, I know there are natural herbal remedies out there, and I know that there are a ton of books, but what is the best thing that I can do to cure this anxiety? I tried a therapist, who had a masters degree in counseling therapy and unfortunately, I did not benefit from her services.

I am so sorry for the long post, I just felt like I needed to express myself and obtain assistance from those who are actually going through what I am going through or from those who have previously dealt with what I have dealt with. I would like to live in the present mindfully.

I hope to hear from you all soon, and thank you all in advance.

Don't give up on therapy just yet, credentials aren't as important as having a good connection. All those years I was a navy wife I had to change docs every 2-3 years because we moved. I have had a few good ones and a few bad. One I walked out on because she was the clone of an aunt I don't like! You need the connection and dedication. It takes time. Hope that helps :)