View Full Version : What am supposed to do

07-27-2012, 08:36 PM
Mother threw a huge tantrum saying I need to snap out of it. It's so freaking annoying . I love her but this is just crazy .

07-28-2012, 10:01 AM
Mother threw a huge tantrum saying I need to snap out of it. It's so freaking annoying . I love her but this is just crazy .

I'm so sorry that your mom said that. I understand exactly how you feel. Been hearing it from my mom for 14 years and we haven't spoken in almost 2 months. I have reached out via email, no response. The worst part is that she went to my teen aged kids and lied to them and now they won't even respond to text messages. I just have to hope and pray that they see through her lies. As for her....I'm done. Sick of hearing it.