View Full Version : Symptoms of a Panic Attack

07-27-2012, 08:07 PM
I never knew SA really existed until I was diagnosed with it recently so this may sound completely naive; what classifies as a panic attack? Is having panic attacks a common symptom or even 'requirement' to be classified as having a SA disorder?
I think I had one, or was close to having one, when I was giving a speech in front of around 25 people last year. I was shaky, my face was getting hot, loss of words, difficulty breathing - but it wasn't really like I had to sit down and recuperate from it (as I was hyperventilating, I didn't cry or anything like that), I felt everyone was staring and judging me (but let's be honest - they probably were).
Other times when I find myself in an anxious situation my stomach feels like it's burning up or something's trying ti get out (stupid metaphor) and I have to stand up or move as I feel like I'm going to explode, does anyone else get this too? (It happens almost suddenly).