View Full Version : Havent really go anxiety any more but i am getting the symptoms

07-27-2012, 07:00 PM
I Haven't been stressed lately but I've been feeling really Ill, today I've had really bad nausea, twitching, headache, blurry vision, I'm getting more and more tired and sleeping more (been waking up later and still feel tired), everytime I stand up I go really dizzy and I see stary stuff in my eyes, I've had poor concentration too, plus a bit of lethargy and weakness. I'm getting kinda worried again.. Help guys? P.s My anxiety that I used to have was health based anxiety (constantly worrying about my health).. I've been to the doctors so many times this year but I haven't been in so long..

Robert James Croft
07-27-2012, 07:07 PM
Sounds to me the anxiety is back to haunt you. Go to your docs before the panic attacks kick in x

07-28-2012, 04:34 AM
I don't like the sound of the "standing up and going dizzy / seeing stars" stuff to be honest - although I haven't had such symptoms so I can't say whether this is typical or not.

This sounds more like some kinda inbalance to me, but I may be wrong.

Could be something simple - like breathing, or it could be a fear that is triggered as you rise - in turn causing the symptoms.

Only times i've experienced this is with a hangover... or, if I rise too quickly (as the physcial demand changes abruptly) causing a brief dizzy spell.
Probably not enough oxygen in the blood to cope with the demand.

Is this EVERY time you stand up, or sometimes? is it dependant on how long you've been sitting or lying before you stand up?

Are you aware of your breathing? (either too shallow or too heavy?)

To test a couple of these things:

1/ If a deficiency of oxygen is the problem - then try getting plenty of oxygen in before you rise (deep breathing for several seconds)

2/ Try rising SLOWLY

3/ If too much oxygen is the problem - then try slow, shallow breaths for several seconds before you rise

07-28-2012, 05:21 AM
I get dizzy when i stand up, and I had a week a while ago where I got incredibly bad dizzyness, faintness, confusion, etc.

You might have low blood pressure and it's also a typical symptom of anxiety - I recently had exactly the same thing and I got checked out in every conceivable way, my doctor was very thorough, and really then all that was left was the anxiety.
Rest was the answer for me. xx And of course continuing any treatment for anxiety that you can.