View Full Version : anxious all the time never chill out.

Robert James Croft
07-27-2012, 04:05 PM
Hey when i work i m anxious all the time stressed all the time. Forgot what it feels like to be normal i always get chest tight tension sickness every other anxiety symptom.
even when i m home i just cant give my body a brake . I stress doing the dishes or looking after my nearly 2 year old daughter. I m just sick of it that i cant do normal day to day things. My heart always feel numb chest area . When i stress over slightest thing i get chest pain sickness worry bad thoughts . Sick of this ..... i feel alone no friends all i do is work and be a dad. Something tells me if i be happy i don t deserve it. Sorry for bad text. I m in bed fed up with life. Feeling down anxious depressed .stressed i do suffer general anxiety i am on med s a d s and beta blockers . I m sick of it beating me: ( i feel like i m going to go crackers have a stroke or heart attack or loose control .i had anxiety for 2 years now . Seems to be getting worse . Rob x

07-27-2012, 04:42 PM
Have u talked to ur doctor about it getting worse maybe? Maybe u need to change meds. I was taking buspar for a while I stopped working for but I didn't realize it till a had a bad panic attack. Back on celexia now and doing a lot better.

07-27-2012, 04:49 PM
Have you seen a therapist or psych? Could be helpful to chat to a professional about it.

Robert James Croft
07-27-2012, 05:17 PM
Awaiting cbt maybe i need to go back to the doc s . When i work i get this pressure in my head. Is this normal,???? Feel like running out every day . Cant describe the burning i get on me skin . The other day my head went numb . I absolutely cackked me self .thought i was going to have a stroke, ,

07-27-2012, 05:18 PM
You are not alone.
Have you read any stuff - there are some helpful books/booklets on coping with anxiety. You kind of have to piece together your own coping strategies, pick out what works, modify it. Read through a few threads on this forum - you'll find a lot of people with similar experiences.

Do inform your doctor things are getting worse and try to keep bugging them; it is hard though.
And is there anything you can do to make your work less stressful? Can you give *yourself* some time out - make sure you allow at least half an hour each day just for yourself? You might say you don't have the time - but somewhere there will be some time you can put aside for yourself. It's your life and you are the most important thing in it. xx

Robert James Croft
07-27-2012, 05:24 PM
I read on line till i m blue in the face nothing seems to work. Medication keeps panic at bay not had one for months so that s a good thing . My doc just says we gave you all the tools you need . Now its up to you. I mean some times i don t even think and boom chest pain or anxiety symptoms. I get really worked up. I joined a gym see if it helps

07-27-2012, 05:32 PM
That is a shame about your doctor's attitude. Maybe a social hobby, a sports group of some kind might help to take your mind off things and give you a support network?

I know what you mean about the anxiety coming from nowhere - people always say that it is negative thoughts causing the anxiety but sometimes it's really hard to identify what might have caused it.

Robert James Croft
07-27-2012, 05:44 PM
I no i have no clue most of the time its there. i get very angry bad moods stressed anxious . Chest pain tight head for like no reason . I m there playing with my daughter and boom chest pain or feel sick. Or serve customers at work boom same thing . I m very good at hiding this at work but not home .... puts tension on me relationship too me and my lass always argue because this mean horrible person like the devil inside me creeps out all the time . I hate it

07-27-2012, 07:23 PM
Omg you just explained everything I feel. My heart always feels numb...but when I told other people that have anxiety they just didn't get it. The pain is always there well I think I tell myself it's always there. I really feel like I'm just waiting to die :-(

07-28-2012, 03:20 AM
It sounds like you're having problems with your anger, too. Anger is a normal, natural emotion and nothing to be ashamed of, but it's the way you handle it that dictates how much it hurts you. The more you're ashamed of it and try to push it down/fight it, the more it comes out in ugly ways and festers and hurts you.

You're probably angry and bitter about how much you're suffering and guilty about it. I know the feeling.

There is always a reason for your feelings; it's never nothing. It might not have anything to do with what you're doing at the time, e.g. playing with your daughter or serving a customer, it might be something from your past or something staring you in the face.

Now I try to use acceptance, e.g. 'okay, I am having this feeling/thought.' 'Okay, I am having some anxiety.' 'Okay, I am angry and my chest hurts and I feel awful.' 'Okay, I am angry about X'. Don't beat yourseufl up about it or try to stop it. Let the thought/feeling just pass through, experience it, try not to feel bad about it and just let it happen.
You might find that you can cope with it, that if you don't rise to it then it won't get any bigger and consume you with fear etc.

I am just blathering, hope something here is helpful!

07-28-2012, 03:23 AM
What country are you in? You should be able to get more therapy and group help, what I've said is totally amateur and really you should speak to people who know what they're talking about :) Reading online is only a small part of getting better, you need help and support.

07-29-2012, 03:31 AM
Hi Robert

The symptoms you describe are transient pains & sensations caused by your stressy mind-set.
I have experienced all of the same, time and time again.

The chest area is nearly always affected by anxiety/panic attacks. Typical sensations are; numbness, short/sharp pains, long lasting pain, crushing, bloating, tingling, stinging and everything else under the sun, basically.

Good news is that it's not detremental to your health.

Bad news is that it take quite a bit of work to conquer it and until you face/address all your unhappiness/anxieties - it's gonna hang around I'm affraid.