View Full Version : dont know what to do

07-27-2012, 06:32 AM
Well today is friday and I said i would quit my job today. I just dont know how to do it. As i posted before, i have a good heart and i dont want to upset anyone. Im a coward when it comes to telling people im quitting a job. I usually just walk out. But i know she wont have anyone to cover my position for a while. No one wants this job. It doesnt pay much and the person cant take any days off or come in late. As i posted before i work at an in home day care. There are twelve kids.ages 1 to 5 and i am stuck with them for most of the day alone. The daycare owner doesnt help much. She only gives me a ten minute break in the a.m. and a one hour break for lunch, but i cant leave the daycare in case the state social worker pays a surprise visit. The kids drive me crazy!!! They dont listen and i have to change dirty diapers all day. The owner hears me trying to control these kids and she doesnt bother to come and help me. Im the one stuck taking them outside to play and i have to be out there in the heat with them alone with no help. Soooooo i need advice. How do i quit????? How do i do it without feeling bad about it?????

07-27-2012, 06:49 AM
Is there a notice period, or do you feel you need to leave right away? x

There may be no way of doing it without upsetting/annoying her and putting people out, but people leave jobs all the time and they WILL find someone to take your place. They're running a business and they will find a way to keep it going. They can hire a temp. If you're there on your own all day and nobody else will take the job, that's their problem and not yours.

You can give any reason you like; personal problems, you need to go and take care of other things, illness, etc. You don't have to try to be honest, especially as in a state of high anxiety 'honesty' might not be the truth, it's your own negative view of yourself.

Do you have any alternatives in place when you leave?

07-27-2012, 06:54 AM
It'd be best to have a backup plan. When you feel anxious and such like it can often be worse to be stuck at home all day as you might end up feeling a lot worse than you do now. Keeping busy is often the best way to keep symptoms at bay. Having said that if you don't enjoy the job i'd spend time trying to find alternatives. A Friend of mine quit her job as she was fed up with it but now she regrets it as she's now on benefits trying to find a job and although the first few weeks of not having a job were fun, the reality of the situation has kicked in and she's getting quite depressed over the lack of things to do.


07-27-2012, 06:59 AM
Yes - if you don't enjoy the job, it's not necessarily because you are ill or because you are incapable. You might be able to find something better.
If you quit right away with no notice period, you might feel like a failure, you might feel like you let people down and it will eat you up inside while you're at home, wondering what people think of your total lack of responsibility and judgement, and trying to find a job does wear you down.

That is my experience anyway, I've done it over and over again.

I also know what it feels like to feel like I can't possibly continue and go back in, though. If you can possibly give notice and just stick it out until the end, and try looking for something else, take a planned approach even if it's not ideal - then try to do it that way. That means you won't be leaving them in the lurch as much and won't feel as bad. (I'm not bothered about them, only how you will feel). Also if you give your notice you are technically not eligible for benefits because you left the role voluntarily. Sucks, I know.
Well, that is if you are in the UK, sorry if you're not!

07-27-2012, 07:03 AM
Yes i do have a back up. I am a licensed realtor but have not been able to work in my career field because i am stuck at this job for nine hours a day :(
I took this job to get me over some financial issues i was having. But i have since cleared my debt. With real estate i am able to work my own hours and work from home. The only thing is that i get anxiety whenever i have to attend meetings. And of course i have to sell homes to get a pay check :(

I appreciate your advice. Thank you so much. Xoxo

07-27-2012, 07:09 AM
It sounds like you're in a good position, then.
Remember that leaving a job is not a bad thing to do, they have to expect that people will come and go and if you have other options, why on earth would you want to look after children for 9 hours a day? ;) Try not to take on their problems as your own.
Really glad to hear you have solved your debt problems and I hope it goes well for you! xxx

07-27-2012, 07:40 AM
Thank you so much "surfacing". You made me feel a lot better about my situation. :)