View Full Version : New here...!!!

07-26-2012, 02:09 PM
Hi all! I just found that forum and it had already helped me!!! Since now I know i am not alone and not crasy!

I have been feeling really bad since at least 3 months!!! At first I was really tired and always dizzy.. Didnt feel nervous... But then I started thinking maybe I had brain cancer!!! Went to the DR and was told I had labyrenthisis...

That lasted 1 month.. Now I feel like my brain wants to come out of my head.. I have shock in my head! All the time!!! Not just from time to time!! And I am still very tired. Before I was very active and now I dont want to do anything. Afraid Ill get even worst!

On saturday I had ticket to a show and I didnt want to go.. Didnt think I would be able to sit through it for 2/ 3 hours.. I was afraid something would happen to me and I would have to come back.

Went back to the doctor thinking it was maybe a burnout or depression (even though i dont feel depress)... She said its anxiety... To go out, be active.. Its hard when you feel like crap all the time..

She did give me a prescription for AD but she said to wait 2 months. To go for therapy first! I did call a couple of them but no really call back since its vacation time!

I started magnesium today after reading about it here!!!

Also the other day at the movies out of nowhere I started not feeling good, sweats, palpitations.. thought i would pass out.. I breath and it pass!!!

I always been a nervous person but not to that extent.. And wondering if I will ever go back to being normal again :-(

Thanks for listening (reading) !!!!

oh and my doctor think I really had labyrenthisis.. Since after 3 weeks I was feeling a lot better and then did a 6 hours car ride and got dizzy again... But I think the labyrenthisis did cause my anxiety.. why? I have no idea!

07-26-2012, 05:14 PM
Hi,i'm lisa,I can relate to you because my anxiety started about 3yrs ago because I started to feel dizzy and wen I was walking I'd feel like I was losing my balance and couldn't walk properly!
After about a year of being fobbed off wiv ear infections and ear problems I eventually got told that I'd lost the right side of my balance but by this time my anxiety was bad!
Nothing can cure my balance problem,I've learned to live with it but now my anxiety is there and its all down to my balance problem because I was so confident before and wasn't afraid to do the simplest of tasks ie going to the shops and busy places but now I nvr do that,I rely on Internet shopping and luckily have a great partner who does alot of the things for me!
my anxiety levels are still high but have just started cbt so will see how things go,I didn't want to down the medication route just yet...
I believe things will improve for u just don't stop going out and doing 'normal' daily activities( hard I know but try)otherwise from my experience ur anxiety may worsen:( good luck😄

07-26-2012, 06:17 PM
Thanks Lisa!!!!

I still continue to go out.. Just went out just now! At one point i felt bad but i tried to deep breathly and all was fine!!!

One day at a time!!!! Its my new motto!!!!