View Full Version : Advice for all.

07-26-2012, 12:13 PM
I'm still new to this forum but it has been such a huge help and I wanted to share a revelation I had today for everyone to think on and always remember when dealing with their anxiety.

I don't have anxiety as bad as a lot of you on here but I know that the same thought process to overcome it still applies. Dealing with your anxiety is a journey. The landscape is always changing. You'll find that when one small piece of your anxiety has been dealt with, another will pop up. This can be very aggravating, scary and detrimental to your confidence and resolve. So expect the unexpected. I'm still dealing with unexpected thoughts and feelings now even though I'm doing better. There is no epiphany that will all of a sudden shut your anxiety off. It's a slow process but staying strong through every bit of it is important. You can conquer the anxiety completely, not just cope with it.

The biggest thing to realize is that anxiety is a bluff. Perhaps the biggest bluff of all. When overcome, you feel hopeless. Your fear can be unimaginable and cut right to your core. This is scary as hell of course and only perpetuates your anxiety. If you've ever had a day or time of day where you've felt perfectly fine for a short period of time you know how quickly anxiety can subside. This is the evidence to show how weak and fragile it really is. So always remember that no matter how bad it may seem, it's nothing but a bluff. Dare it to come at you because I know without a doubt that you're stronger than it. Toy with it, laugh at it. Your brain will be wired to worry about it so expect that. But now you know there's nothing to worry about, so instead of "running" from the thought, recognize it as a worry that you expected to have and move on. When you feel anxious just say, "alright hey I have a little anxiety happening but it means nothing and go about your day." Let it come with you and it WILL subside. Over time it gets less and less.

I know a lot of you have heard this before on anxiety websites and the like, but I felt like it would be good to hear it from a regular sufferer like you and that it does work. Don't be scared and always keep your confidence and hope. You all have helped me so much in a very short amount of time and for that I thank you.

07-26-2012, 01:28 PM
I wish this forum had a 'like' button like facebook does! :) Great post, makes a lot of sense... just got to put it into practice which is the hard bit! Glad the forum has helped you... its so nice to talk to others who understand what its like! And thank you to you for your inspiring post... :)

07-26-2012, 04:41 PM

An inspirational post... BUT, it will only really make sense to those who are on the recovery side of the anxiety fence I reckon.
Those who can look back and think "Yeah, I understand that... NOW"

I'm not being negative, by the way. The reason I write this post is to actually acknowledge the hopeless who are thinking "I wish I could see it this way"

07-26-2012, 05:07 PM
I think that's a great thing to point out, you're very right. If you're not on the recovery side, you should look at this as something to give you hope and start you off on having the right mindset.

07-26-2012, 05:30 PM
Great post my dear with you the best.

07-26-2012, 07:34 PM
Great post! I have came to the same realizations now that ive recovered, but its just so damn hard to knock it during full blown anxiety.

At my worst, i read similar words of encouragement but it was like what Dazza said...you just cant see it.

I think that recovering from anxiety is a personal journey. You can hear encouragement to keep you holding on, but ultimately its something that you must work out on your own, with your own mind. You can hear that everything will one day be ok but youve got to rationalize everything on your own. While you do that, its very helpful to chat on here and with a therapist though