View Full Version : So upset

07-26-2012, 04:53 AM
Hi guys- I've been to the docs today because my jaws keeping me up at night where the pressures getting too much- I walked into see the doctor and she started shouting at me asking me what I'm doing there it's all anxiety- before I'd explained the problem- told her what's up and she's telling me I'm too stressed its anxiety and gave me a lot of different tablets to take on a prescription- I asked her what they were for and she just said goodbye- I asked the chemist what the tablets were for so they phoned the docs and they told them sinusitis- but what am u suppose to do I can't take tablets- too scared- how do u get rid of sinusitis otherwise????
Doc gave me antihistermines- antibiotics- tablets for asthma a nasal spray

07-26-2012, 06:20 AM
Hi forwells- the medications won't do me any harm but I have a phobia about medications and it would definately start my anxiety off through the roof because I'm scared of them- I will try the neti pot though thankyou

07-26-2012, 06:52 AM
I know your right but I'm petrified of tablets and most food- I'm scared of anaphelectic shock- there's a 6 mth wait to see a therapist and I won't take meds for anxiety either xx

07-26-2012, 07:45 AM
I'm scared of anaphelectic shock- petrified infact! I've had a few meds allergies and a few food allergies all in a short space of time this has definately made it worse

07-26-2012, 05:50 PM
Sometimes it just best to face your fears and find a better way to handle it

07-27-2012, 01:17 AM
First of all I do think you should put a complaint in about that doctor. Put it in writing and send it to the practice manager or whoever runs the surgery you went to. Her attitude and demeanor is dreadful and should be addressed. Secondly, do not go back to see that doctor, there will be others you can see who hopefully will be nothing like her and will be able to spend some time with you explaining what medication you are getting and why, they may also be able to do allergy testing so you can know for sure what foods etc may give you a reaction and what will not. Also is there any way you could pay to see a therapist until you are at the top of the waiting list for the other one? Being seen privately can be expensive but you will be seen quickly.

07-27-2012, 01:51 AM
First of all I do think you should put a complaint in about that doctor. Put it in writing and send it to the practice manager or whoever runs the surgery you went to. Her attitude and demeanor is dreadful and should be addressed. Secondly, do not go back to see that doctor, there will be others you can see who hopefully will be nothing like her and will be able to spend some time with you explaining what medication you are getting and why, they may also be able to do allergy testing so you can know for sure what foods etc may give you a reaction and what will not. Also is there any way you could pay to see a therapist until you are at the top of the waiting list for the other one? Being seen privately can be expensive but you will be seen quickly.

Yes I'm going to make a complaint- I'm so upset about it and to be honest I could've been there for anything- I could've found a horrifying lump in my breast- I could of been miscarrying anything!! Because she didn't give me the opportunity to tell her why I was there - it was 2 weeks previous I was there because I had bloods done and I had to go back for the results.ive got allergy testing early September and unfortunately I have got the money to go private for therapy as I can't work due to a hernia- the doctors there are all unsimpathetic mainly due to the fact that I won't take meds for my anxiety or Prozac for depression- I've tryed to explain why they just ain't interested. Most of the doctors in my area are not very good from what I've heard. I understand that sometimes biting the bullet is sometimes the easiest way of dealing with the problem but my anxiety will go through the roof and I really couldn't handle that right now as I'm always on edge anyway- why can't life be easy!!