View Full Version : Sleep!!

07-26-2012, 01:21 AM
Im having the hardest time falling asleep VARY restles can anyone tell me wat they do to sleep easier.

07-26-2012, 03:23 AM
I've been talking a long walk about 2 hours before bed. Then right before bed I drink warm milk or chamomile tea. Helps some.

07-26-2012, 04:53 AM
Im having the hardest time falling asleep VARY restles can anyone tell me wat they do to sleep easier.

My psychiatrist has me take 6mg of melatonin half an hour before bed. And my bf works strange hours never gets into a sleep pattern..so I have him take it...and my mom...and a couple good friends, all with positive results, so you can ask your doctor if that's OK for you.

07-26-2012, 05:51 PM
melatonin is good to take but for me it only let me sleep for 4 to 5 hours and sometimes less than that. When I get up I feel even tired.