View Full Version : Hello! I'm new an Seeking HELP!

07-25-2012, 09:04 PM
Okay, this is going to sound crazy, or maybe you've heard of it before.

I'm a 15 year old male, 5' 10" 140 lbs. I'm pretty sure i've been having panic attacks because if they were anything else, the doctors would've treated me. I've been to the E.R twice and Urgent Care 4 times. Each time i Constantly think something is wrong with me and that the doctors missed something. I dont know why I panic.. It just happens. Sometimes i dont even think about it and then I start getting numb, my hands and feet get clammy and then my heart rate goes up and then I lose it. Is this common? If i list my symptoms, could someone please help me? Im tired of bugging my family about this... So im seeking your help.

Symptoms include-
*numbness in extremities (arms and legs, but during a panic attack my whole body goes numb)
*Sharp pain all throughout my body. Never constant, it's kinda like aching.
*Fear that im going to have a heart attack/stroke
* migraines
*pressure in face (behind the eyes kind of, pain isnt that bad)
*heavy feelings arms and legs
*constantly feeling fatigued (even though i sleep 10 hours)
*also, I have been having diarrhea and frequent urination
*I feel like im going to die.. its crazy. ( i know this is an anxiety symptom )
*sharp chest pain all around my chest

Also i notice that I seem to google all my symptoms all the time. and heart attack/stroke always come up which freaks me out. So does that just add to my panic?

Please any help or feedback I get is great. Thanks guys God bless.

07-25-2012, 09:27 PM
You are 15 years old please try to remind yourself the odds of something serious like a heart attack or stroke arent as common in people your age. Also I once had a panic attack that had my whole body "buzzing" in that numbness tingling feeling you can get in your extremities dureing a panic attack. Getting to much sleep such as 10 hours can contribute to feeling fatigued aswell as constant stress. Diarrhea and frequent urination are also another sign of stress, ever take an animal in a carrier and it went to the bathroom in the box lol it's because they are incredibily stressed in that situation. With health related anxietys google can really make things worse you will read things that scare you and instead of thinking positive your mind will think of the worst possibilty and in reality this is usually not the case! If you are worried about your health though go to the doctor and ask for tests and a more in depth look but I bet you are normal and are simply expiriencing stress and anxiety symptoms.

07-25-2012, 09:33 PM
Thanks A lot. You know I've had a couple ECG's done and everything turns out fine.. I think i do have health related anxiety because i constantly find myself checking my pulse under my left pectoral muscle. It's a very strong beat so i feel scared. I'm very athletic so i know that the odds of me having a heart attack are extremely low! but for some reason im always afraid

07-25-2012, 09:37 PM
I'm 16 do not much older then u and I go threw the same stuff so if u ever need some one to talk to or relate to just MSG me

07-25-2012, 09:38 PM
Okay, this is going to sound crazy, or maybe you've heard of it before.

I'm a 15 year old male, 5' 10" 140 lbs. I'm pretty sure i've been having panic attacks because if they were anything else, the doctors would've treated me. I've been to the E.R twice and Urgent Care 4 times. Each time i Constantly think something is wrong with me and that the doctors missed something. I dont know why I panic.. It just happens. Sometimes i dont even think about it and then I start getting numb, my hands and feet get clammy and then my heart rate goes up and then I lose it. Is this common? If i list my symptoms, could someone please help me? Im tired of bugging my family about this... So im seeking your help.

Symptoms include-
*numbness in extremities (arms and legs, but during a panic attack my whole body goes numb)
*Sharp pain all throughout my body. Never constant, it's kinda like aching.
*Fear that im going to have a heart attack/stroke
* migraines
*pressure in face (behind the eyes kind of, pain isnt that bad)
*heavy feelings arms and legs
*constantly feeling fatigued (even though i sleep 10 hours)
*also, I have been having diarrhea and frequent urination
*I feel like im going to die.. its crazy. ( i know this is an anxiety symptom )
*sharp chest pain all around my chest

Also i notice that I seem to google all my symptoms all the time. and heart attack/stroke always come up which freaks me out. So does that just add to my panic?

Please any help or feedback I get is great. Thanks guys God bless.

Wow, all your symptoms sound like mine. I can relate to everyone. Except I suffer with insomnia too. I always think I'm dying and my doctors are wrong. I am ten years older than you and I'm just as anxious as you.

07-25-2012, 09:40 PM
Also u just have to remind yourself that your ok it's just anxiety and try and relax I know it's really hard sometimes but u will get threw it

07-25-2012, 09:43 PM
I know how that is trust me I hope you can try to find comfort in your results coming back fine though and realize that it is only anxiety symptoms because nothing physical is wrong with you. Your stats seem to me like you are thin thats probably why your pulse is so strong feeling when I was a teen I was super skinny and if I laid on my back I could watch a pulse in the center if my stomach right beneath my ribs. Also I can watch my husbands jugulars pulse lol. So I bet thats normal aswell. :)

07-25-2012, 09:55 PM
Thanks a lot for the replies everyone. You know I'm thinking about getting a medical screening (blood tests etc.) just to get some peace of mind. Sound like a good idea? let me know!

07-25-2012, 10:03 PM
Yes! If that will give you peace of mind do it, but when everything comes back ok you need to believe it for yourself ( and you should believe it because the tests dont lie) or else the anxiety will continue. I have a doctor phobia aswell as hypochondria so I never get the peace of mind of going to a doctor you are quite lucky :).

07-25-2012, 10:06 PM
Thanks a lot for the replies everyone. You know I'm thinking about getting a medical screening (blood tests etc.) just to get some peace of mind. Sound like a good idea? let me know!

If you are athletic maybe you could try yoga or Tai Chi.for yoga I'd get a DVD and try it at home. For tai chi I think I would take a class. Most places let you try a couple times before you have to pay. Both teach you to clear your mind and focus on breathing. I refuse to do yoga outside my own living room though...anywhere else would give me a panic attack. Hope that helps.

07-25-2012, 10:09 PM
Thanks a lot! haha I should follow my half asian roots and take up tai chi.. hahaha!
I play intense sports, so maybe those wouldn't help with my anxiety? i've been playing them and they haven't really been effecting me. Maybe because it evenly distributes my adrenaline? I play Ice Hockey and Football