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Greg Isaac
07-25-2012, 08:11 PM
Hi there,

My name is Greg I live in Australia and I have Anxiety. I do not have a diagnosis despite being medicated and seeing a psychiatrist every week. The doctor I see just gives me Valium to sort it out by my self with no advice as to how to does or use the drug. I have found vallium to be worse than the illness itself. Any advice on what I should be taking or how to use the vallium better than once daily would be great....

07-25-2012, 11:46 PM
Hey there,

Sounds like you need to find a new doctor, anyone that just gives you valium and tells you to sort it out yourself is a waste of time. Im new to having anxiety (just been dealing with it the last 3 weeks or so, self diagnoses at this point) Look into finding someone who truly knows what they are talking about, especially if the valium is just making it worse. Im trying to keep mine at bay using theanine and lots of chamomile tea....which helps a lot but its still there. I personally don't want to be dependent on benzos but thats just my personal decision. You might find something that works for you :)

07-26-2012, 12:02 AM
That doesn't sound like a very caring doctor to me :/
I hate doctors like that - if they don't genuinely care about the people they're treating then they shouldn't be in the business at all. Anyway, lol, I agree with Jla here, find a new doc ASAP. Chamomile tea, like they said, is also really effective and is working for me. Along with Magnesium and Amino Acids + vitamin B12. Good luck! and Welcome to the forums. :]