View Full Version : Thought I was doing better

07-25-2012, 06:37 PM
For the past few weeks, I've been helping to care for my husband who went to the ER a few weeks ago with appendicitis. His surgery had some complications, but now he is home and healing.

I made the mistake of reading the news online a little while ago.... and I can feel my stomach churning in disgust. I knew I shouldn't have....

All this freaky news, all the scary, horrifying news in the world.... it's so damned depressing. I'm trying to relax naturally before I resort to having to take an ativan. I was doing so good.... I haven't had a panic attack in WEEKS. I feel sick.

07-25-2012, 10:06 PM
Just calm yourself. Try buying some peppermint oil and smelling it, it's naturally supposed to relax your body. Most panic attacks are brought on by breathing. As soon as you start hyperventilating then you're already guaranteed a panic attack

07-25-2012, 11:52 PM
Hi Velrose:

You very well might be vitamin D3 deficient. This deficiency could be the cause of your problems, entirely.
For more information, please read my Thread " The cure ?" under the Depression forum.

Best wishes,

07-26-2012, 12:59 AM

It's only depressing to those who are of an already despressed/stressed mind-set. It's just adding to what you already feel.

Best bet is not read it I guess?

Reminds me of a joke: "When I read about the evils of drinking... I gave up reading", lol

Give yaself a break... you have anx' disorder and you've been dealing with ya poorly husband. Quite a lot of stress if you ask me.
At least you've been a few weeks panic free - that's great.

Anx' order has it's ups and downs I'm affraid, but the downs get less frequent as time goes on.

07-26-2012, 06:37 AM
I didn't get so far as to begin hyperventilating. I did however start pacing the room, and began with my shakes and sense of overwhelming fear. It's just... ugh.... I was feeling SO much better. My husband and I had JUST come back from going out to dinner (mmmm lemon artichoke shrimp pasta) and BOOM this happens.

Dazza- What's so frustrating, is I KNOW everything you just said! But I'm sure you know, sometimes when the anxiety hits, you can't talk to yourself logically. <sigh> It's SO irritating in hindsight. I feel better this morning, and looking back on last night, I could just scream at how ridiculous I was being! I brought on my own anxiety by reading the news (I've known for a long while now certain stories can trigger me) and then I let a VERY irrational fear take hold and nip at my brain until I felt that familiar "oh, I've got to get the fuck out of here right NOW," feeling swarm me.

I've done a pretty good job of finding things I like to do to distract myself again. I bought a new graphics tablet so I can hopefully get back into drawing (I am SO out of practice) and I always have my mmo games I can lose myself in. :D

<scoots off>