View Full Version : new here.

07-25-2012, 06:33 PM
Hello everyone. I have been reading some of the posts on here and i feel comfort in knowing that i am not alone in this. Glad i found a place where i can relate to others. I have ptsd, anxiety, panic, agoraphobia, deppression. Life is hard at times. I limit my life in so many ways due to fear of getting a panic attack. I hate the feelings i get when i get anxiety. I have been working outside of my career field for some months now because i was getting lots of anxiety at meetings and group events and i felt like people were looking at me weired because i would move around a lot in my seet due to my nerves and having that fight or flight feeling. The job i have now sux! Im working at a daycare and it has 12 kids from age 1 to 5 and it is so hard. I am stuck mst of the day alone with them with no help. They dont listen. Scream all day and run around. It drives me crazy! I have to change diapers and change them when they mess on themselves. Ive gotton sick every week since i started working there. I hate the job so much that it brings me to tears. I have stuck it out because i needed the money and because i feel bad leaving the daycare owner without any help. I dont know what to do. I want to quit and go back to my career. I dont want to go back there after this week is over. Im stuck between loyalty to my current job and my desire to succeed in my career. Any advice????

07-25-2012, 07:00 PM
Fallow your heart... We have 6 children and I can tell u 50% of my panick and anxiety stems from the stresses at home... I try to take moments for myself just to breath , but it's hard . I deffinatly would not choose it for a career for someone with panic unless it rewarding for you. I love my children don't get me wrong , but it's way stressful and once in a while I need a big break... But anyways, do what is going to make u happy and succeed in life.. No regrets

07-25-2012, 07:24 PM
As a director of a child care center and an anxiety sufferer, I can relate to your feelings. Don't get me wrong... I love my job because I love watching the children learn something new each and everyday. My question is Why are you in a room with 12 children that young by yourself? In my state we must maintain staff to child ratios at all times. We are only allowed 5 one year olds per staff, 6 two year olds per staff and 10 3-5 yr olds per staff. If it is a mixed age group we have to go by the youngest child in the room. You should only be responsible for 5 children if u r caring for one year olds! No wonder you hate your job. That is way too many children for one person to look after by themselves!!!

07-26-2012, 05:59 AM
The lady that runs the daycare doesnt help me much. She runs the day care out of a section of her house. But she is always up in her house. She only comes down to give me one 10 minute break in the morning and again for one hour for my lunch. However i am not allowed to leave the house in case the state worker makes a surprise visit. I am stuck with these kids for 9 hours all by myself. She hears them screaming and me trying to settle them down but she doesnt come down to help. I have also noticed that she will say that she is doing the paper work for the daycare but i have caught her just sitting in her house watching tv. Oh and get this... For all this she only pays me 225 a week. She says she doesnt make enough to pay me more, but i have seen the checks the parents give her and believe me she can afford to pay me more. Im sitting outside of work now and i want to badly to go home. I dont know how to tell her that i want to quit. Because despite everything i have a good heart and i dont want to upset her.

07-26-2012, 08:08 AM
Another day at this job. Its only 10 am and i feel so stressed out. I get angry, i get anxious, i get sad all at once. I cant stand being here. Its 90 outside and im out here in this heat with these kids. No help!!!!! As usual.

07-26-2012, 10:52 AM
Funny how she is now complaining about some of the kids. Saying that she's had it with them today, yet she hasnt been with them today. She went to a doc appointment this morning. Got back. Made them a few nuggets in the oven and watched them eat then put them down for a nap. Wow!!! She did a lot and delt with a lot to say she has had it with them today. I hate this job!!!!!!!!!!! It makes me so mad that she doesnt help me but has the nerve to sit here and complain.

07-29-2012, 08:40 AM
Your anxiety is just going to get worse with the stress that you are under. The children can sense our stresses and sometimes they can act out even more. Have you tried talking to her about how you are feeling and ask her for more help? Let her know if she can't help you or get another person to help you than you will have no choice but to quit. This situation is not healthy for you and is not a good situation for the children either.

07-29-2012, 08:47 AM
Another thought... It is said that the position u r in doesn't allow you to enjoy these children. It is a stressful job, but the rewards r numerous too in the right situation. Try planning some activities with them. Even one year olds can be involved. One activity I know they like is painting with cool whip. It is edible so it is safe for the little ones. Have the older ones write letters in it or their names. Just put in out on the table and let them go to town! Drawing is a big hit too. If u plan some things to do, the chaos is usually minimum. The object is to keep them busy at all times. It won't happen overnight, but it will start settling them down. Sounds like they are just bored and are walking all over you. Still doesn't excuse what the owner is doing to you!!

07-29-2012, 09:08 AM
I am limited to the activities i can do with them because the owner says they make a mess. I have tried many things to do with them but i get about 10 minutes of their attention and then they are back to driving me nuts. Its hard because the ages vary so much that they dont all like the same things and the little ones get crazy and run around and do things like hit eachother, spit on eachother, climb and jump on things. So its hard to do activities with some kids and keep an eye out on the little ones. You are right, the job is going to make my anxiety worse. I have tried to talk to her. She says that its part of the job and that i shouldnt let the kids stress me out. Hard to do when im the only one watching them.

07-29-2012, 09:12 AM

Personally, I'd rather work as a drive-thru order taker at McDonalds than do your job! lol

07-29-2012, 09:13 AM
Lol i wouldnt wish this job on my worst enemy.

07-29-2012, 11:09 AM
Lol! Sounds like the owner needs some Early Childhood Education! Children are suppose to make a mess! She is telling you not to let them stress you, but she makes comments about being of them!! I am sorry that you now have had such a negative experience with this field of work that u wouldn't wish it on your worse enemy! I work at a center where there are around 45 children. It is easier because they are split into age groups and there are enough teachers for all of the kids. I think that by the sounds of things you need to just forget about the owners feelings ( she obviously doesn't think about your needs) and find something else for now.... Even if it is McDonalds!! Lol

07-29-2012, 11:18 AM
Also, I was re-reading your one post about you not being able to leave on your breaks incase the state comes...... It is obvious by this that she needs two staff people to be with the children at all times. If she is not in the room with you and helping you, then she is not complying with the state laws. If you need two people... They both need to be watching the children and not one person watching them and than the other person run in if the state comes to make it look legal. What if a child got seriously hurt because there wasn't enough people in the room supervising? You are only one person and can only control so much and only see so much. Sounds to me this lady is just in it for the money. Wonder how the parents would feel if they knew their kids were in this kind of situation? My kids certainly wouldn't be going there anyonger!

07-29-2012, 11:31 AM
I could go on and on about this so called child care place, but here is the bottom line... She is asking things of you that is illegal and unfair to both you and the children. She is not taking you or the children into consideration. You get sick every time you have to go there. The pay is lousy. You are going through a ton of emotions in a shirt period of time... It is time to move on!!!!!!!! She will find someone else to do her dirty work or she may have to get off the couch and do it herself for awhile! The only persons you should feel bad for us yourself and those poor kids! ( I know you r probably frustrated with the kids and think ya right... Feel bad for the kids.. But in truth they are in a way being neglected by the owner as much as you are.)

07-29-2012, 08:21 PM
QUIT!!! FOR GODS SAKE QUIT! I work at a day camp and if I was in a room with that many kids by myself all day, I would walk out the door. That woman doesnt know what the hell she is doing and the police should be called on her.