View Full Version : help

sub zero
07-25-2012, 04:29 PM
Hey guys I'm brand new to the thread I have suffered from anxiety for roughly 8 years now and I have almost every terrible symptom you can imagine,I have my good days and sometimes when I'm lucky good weeks but the worst symptom I find is the derealization and dizziness any one here have any luck getting rid of these symptoms.iam thinking of trying Ltheanine any body tried it if so does it work.my next question is a frustrating one cause it hampers my whole social life,I find when I drink to much the next day I'm completely incapacitated my derealization and dizziness is just crazy I can't even get out of bed.iam now to scared to go and have a food time with my friends cause I know I will be dying the next day and I'm scared I will lose them cause I'm not willing to have fun and party with them any more cause of the terrible anxiety next day.thanx guys

Serenity 7
07-25-2012, 06:03 PM
alcohol is a depressant.so you will feel bad after drinking.i have avioded it for months now.cos my anxiety is terrible in the morning.and if you lose friends cos your not out drinking.then there not good friends and your better of without them.good luck
.hope you feel better soon

08-08-2012, 05:42 PM
Hey guys I'm brand new to the thread I have suffered from anxiety for roughly 8 years now and I have almost every terrible symptom you can imagine,I have my good days and sometimes when I'm lucky good weeks but the worst symptom I find is the derealization and dizziness any one here have any luck getting rid of these symptoms.iam thinking of trying Ltheanine any body tried it if so does it work.my next question is a frustrating one cause it hampers my whole social life,I find when I drink to much the next day I'm completely incapacitated my derealization and dizziness is just crazy I can't even get out of bed.iam now to scared to go and have a food time with my friends cause I know I will be dying the next day and I'm scared I will lose them cause I'm not willing to have fun and party with them any more cause of the terrible anxiety next day.thanx guys

hey sub-zero. feelings of derealization/depersonalization and dizziness were an enormous part of my anxiety battle. i felt like i was constantly stoned or tripping and dizziness was just plain irritating. in fact, it's how my first attack began. first of all, you need to make all necessary lifestyle changes including: diet, exercise, sleep, and minimizing drinking as much as possible. i also include 250 mg. of magnesium and 75 mg. of b-complex (make sure it has b6 and b12) daily. HOWEVER, what helped me the MOST is actually quite simple, it's ACKNOWLEDGING the symptoms of anxiety. NOT fighting them. Derealization occurs because our thought pattern becomes so introverted and focused on ourselves that the mind becomes completely and utterly fatigued. this mental fatigue makes the body feel disconnected from reality. imagine that you were at a dinner party and you did nothing but focus on the pattern of the table cloth the entire meal while everyone else was engaging each other in conversation. by the end of the gathering, you wouldn't feel very "connected" to those people at the party, would you? well, it's the same with anxiety, when we constantly focus on our physical symptoms and obsess about "feeling normal again" our brain gets TIRED! derealization is the body's way of saying "STOP! i'm overwhelmed!" my advice for you is to ALLOW the symptoms of derealization and dizziness to arrive. DO NOT send them away! let your body feel what's happening but REMEMBER to tell yourself "i'm safe and i'm healthy." what i have found for myself is that by allowing myself to feel anxiety while continuing on with my day, i take control away from the negative thoughts/feelings. The symptoms leave because I do not feed them. i acknowledge them, but i do not feed them. derealiztion is a REAL and scary symptom of anxiety. you are not crazy!!! BUT it can ABSOLUTELY be treated and GO AWAY. it's not a quick fix, it takes time and dedication. since you have been experiencing this for 8 years, you are going to have to be a fighter. but you CAN do it! Accept the symptoms and carry on - anxiety will lose its power! but do yourself a HUGE favor and eat right, exercise, get enough sleep and cut back on the drinking! good luck to you my friend.

08-08-2012, 06:22 PM
Great thread!

and hello SUB, SERENITY, ICEBAT.. Great to read some new perspectives, I like learning!!
