View Full Version : Reducing beta blocker dose

07-25-2012, 01:33 PM
hi guys,

I originally posted this in the medication section but have re-posted here in the hope I may get a response.

I've been on beta blockers for several months now- propanolol 80mg slow release tabs daily. Saw my doc yesterday and we discussed weaning me off them so eventually I just use them as and when required. She has suggested taking 3 10mg tabs a day for a couple of weeks, then 2 a day and so on until I am no longer taking them.

Was wondering if anyone else has done this? I'm not particularly anxious about reducing them but more curious as the doc I saw didn't seem too sure about how to effectively reduce the dosage. At the end of the consultation she said "um, I pretty am sure that will be the way to do it". But I was thinking is going from 80mg daily to just 30mg not a pretty big jump? I only have experience of reducing SSRI's and not beta blockers.

Any advice is appreciated xxx

07-25-2012, 03:03 PM
I was taking 40mg propanolol a day and came straight off them. No problems.

07-25-2012, 04:33 PM
Thanks for the replies guys. Thankfully I haven't had any anxiety for a couple of months and no panic attacks for a long time so I feel ready to make the move to stop the beta blockers and just take them if I have to.

07-25-2012, 06:19 PM
Those beta blocker really work i was put on metoepolol abut a month ago and i havent had any panic attacks since i still get anxiety but its alot easier to deal with