View Full Version : i want to cry, but i have forgotten how!

07-25-2012, 04:40 AM
Im having a 'moment'.
I feel horrible. Im dizzy, I feel like the ground under me is moving, I feel like someone is cracking my
skull with an ice pick!
And a usual, I feel like my heart is going to stop.

My bottle feels full. I can't feel any more pain our it will overflow.

I really really really want to cry. I want to whale at the to of my lungs until I feel I have emptied enough out of my bottle.

But I can't. I don't know how to, our have forgotten how to.
No matter how bad it gets, I just can't cry.
I feel like it would help so much.
So where is it?

Any thoughts, pointers, help, or acknowledgment that I'm not alone?

07-25-2012, 06:26 AM
How do you chat in chat? :)

No, I take 2mg valpam when things get really bad, but I want to see how I go with psychotherapy and emdr first.

Has anyone else lost the ability to cry? Or possibly "flat lined" emotionally?

07-25-2012, 10:40 AM
Yes Ive lost my ability to cry before. Ive felt so overworked with anxiety and fear and pain that I could feel the tears wanted to come but I just couldnt cry. For some reason what always gets me though is if you have someone close to you you love and trust tell them everything your feeling at the peak of your anxiety and let them console you make sure it is someone special to you ( the kind of relationship where you can hug them and its not awkward lol) and hopefully that will break the flood gates :).

07-28-2012, 10:33 AM
Anxiety can make you feel numb and emotionless. Its an odd one. So many symptoms for anxiety :(

07-28-2012, 02:22 PM
Crying only comes with relief. When you feel a little better, you will cry. When you feel your worst, you can't cry. xX

07-29-2012, 07:26 AM
Crying only comes with relief. When you feel a little better, you will cry. When you feel your worst, you can't cry. xX


Anxiety is a form of the fear emotion. Fear takes priority over all because your mind & body is preparing for action.

For example; When faced with a hungry lion... last thing ya gonna want to do is stand there and cry, lol

07-29-2012, 07:28 AM
On this subject...

Weirdly, where once I used to get a cold like, every 3 months. I've not had one since November 2011.

Could be because of a better diet and/or more hours sleep... but could also being kept at bay by anxiety!?


07-29-2012, 07:38 AM
When I was at my worst last November , I went though a traumatic event & was very anxious & very depressed . I could not cry !!, I wanted to cry & I willed myself to cry but I just couldn't get it out . I felt like I was dead .
I know just how you feel & it's not nice . From my experience if you can't cry you have hit a bad place & need some love & support . I hope you can get this ,

I did let it all out eventually & I cried & cried for weeks ! I knew it was there & it did come when I began to feel a little bit better xx

07-31-2012, 07:33 AM

Anxiety is a form of the fear emotion. Fear takes priority over all because your mind & body is preparing for action.

For example; When faced with a hungry lion... last thing ya gonna want to do is stand there and cry, lol
That's a fascinating point that I just never considered. That fear would have priority over other emotional expression forms simply for sake of survival of the body. Fascinating.
I've oftentimes had the whole 'can't cry' feeling, but I never placed much emphasis on it. But your analyzation makes sense perfectly. Maybe you just have to be less anxious to get the tears out properly.