View Full Version : I'm new here and would like some advice
07-24-2012, 06:29 AM
I'm only 23 and I've had mild anxiety as long as I can remember...I'm pregnant right now which has brought out the worst anxiety I have ever had. I just had a panic attack so bad my lips started twitching and I got a bad cramp in my arm...when I was younger I seen my mother go through attacks this bad. I started reading this book which has helped me manage my anxiety, about a month ago I wouldn't leave my bed, but now it seems that when an attack comes it's just worse than ever. Managing this while pregnant is so stressful and I feel like it may be causing depression. I've ben to counceling and talked to my dr but one of my main fears is taking medicine, thinking about it causes an attack. Basically I know there are people on here who have been feeling with this longer and maybe have some advice...i know there is chat on here but it doesn't work well on my phone...I'm open to email or aim our something just to maybe be able to talk and share similar problems? Most people I talk to about this just don't understand, which doesn't help st all. I feel I'm just becoming so discouraged and I'm sick of dealing with this all the time.
07-24-2012, 07:13 AM
Hiya! Welcome to the forum... hope you find it helpful! :) Im 26 and also have a fear of taking medication... i worry about the side effects and then end up not taking most things! I can imagine it must be really difficult for you being pregnant too. Thats bound to add to your anxiety levels! Ive started to feel pretty depressed by it all too so i know exactly how you're feeling. In fact ive just managed to hold off a panic attack myself, popped a diazepam (which was SO HARD to do) and feel slightly better. Anyway, if you ever want to chat to someone who understands then feel free to message/email me! :)
07-24-2012, 10:34 AM
The med thing just makes me feel worse. I've found out I'm anemic from pregnancy and I have to take iron pills which is a struggle every day even though I've been on then for months and nothing had happened. I always think I'm going to form an over night allergy to something I ed never allergic to before...even with taking tylenol, it used to be the one thing I red completely okay with taking, not recently! If rather suffer through a headache, cause that makes sense.
07-24-2012, 10:51 AM
Yep, I know what you mean... ive been on iron pills for anemia a couple of times and felt so anxious having to take it. And at the moment i have to take folic acid every day and have injections of B12 every 3 months and i hate it. Even though ive been taking it for quite a while and been fine, i still worry that maybe one day my body will decide it doesnt like it! I have sooo many prescriptions in a drawer that i have never taken. Anti-depressants etc which would probably do me some good but the fear takes over and i just cant take them! The only med i will take and not worry too much about is ibuprofen for a headache. But even then i sometimes have a mini panic once i take it!
07-24-2012, 03:18 PM
I think that Is where my fear came from....ibuprofen. I'm allergic to it, not severely but still. It's scared me into worrying about everything I should take. It's hard to get rid of that fear because that's alli think about when taking sucks that I relate great and panic attacks with certain things and places because then it is pretty much inevitable.
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