View Full Version : Please give me some advice. I feel hopeless and sad all the time.

07-22-2012, 08:48 PM
Let me start off by saying I hope you take the time to read this. It will be long. Also, I'm a 15 year old female.
Anyways, now that I've been thinking about it, I realized I've been having anxiety for as long as I can remember.
When I was younger, I'd get frequent stomach aches. I never knew what it was, and I never really told anyone because I was scared.
When I started high school, I started getting stressed out but not really anxious. On April 11th, we moved houses in a short period of time which really stressed me out.
Now, I'm on summer break in a new neighborhood going to go to a new school soon. I'm nervous about that.
Anyways, since the move stressed me out so much, my mom and dad decided that me and my older brother (Who is 17) can go on vacation to California (I live in Arizona) and stay with my grandma, my step grandpa and my 16 year old tia during some of summer break.
We left on May 27th. We stayed until July 14th.
On June 28th, at approximately 5:00 am, I woke up with chest heaviness and feeling unable to breath.
I never really thought about anxiety back then, so I automatically thought it was a heart attack. I panicked and it got worse and worse. I immediately woke up my brother, who woke up my grandma. She took me to her doctor, since I obviously couldn't go to mine. He said it was nothing, that something in my chest was inflamed or something. (I couldn't really understand because he spoke Spanish to my grandma who has a hard time understanding English) Anyways he prescribed me some medicine and it worked pretty well.
But I had noticed that almost every time I went to bed I wouldn't be able to sleep due to a nervous feeling in my stomach. I googled "why do I feel so nervous all the time?" and that's when I read a lot about anxiety.
Well ever since then, anxiety has been on my mind 24/7. I started getting more and more anxiety/stress symptoms as well. Chest pain, nausea, my body feeling weak and sore, headaches, dizziness, really light periods, bleeding between periods, feeling unsteady and off balance, feeling scared all the time and crying for no reason. These all aren't at the same time (or else I would be a complete wreck). Right now, my back and neck hurt and I feel dizzy and unsteady. I can't go to the doctor's until the 30th. Honestly, I'm really good at ignoring the symptoms they don't really interfere in my life much. Except when I'm feeling scared and crying, then I don't do things I usually enjoy. Can someone give me advice on how to deal with it? Is this something more serious? Please help me, I'm so scared. Thank you.
Also, are there any medications you guys would recommend for my age and symptoms?

07-22-2012, 09:14 PM
It does sound like anxiety. Reading up on it is good. It's good to be informed. Just don't go over board. Too much info can do the opposite! The best advice I could give is to let your parents know. Let them read up on it with you. Then they can understand it better. It will help them to know its not uncommon, and it is very real. This forum would be a good place to let them read articles. There's really good info here. But know you're not alone! There are many that have it! And you know, maybe it will help just being able to talk them about it! Wish you all the best!
God bless! :)

07-22-2012, 09:52 PM
Heyy I'm 16 and know how scary it is I was just doctor diagnosed with GAD la few months ago and it sounds like what u are going threw is the same as wat I did but go to the doctor and see for sure

07-22-2012, 10:07 PM
Anxiety and stress can cause so many weird and scary symptoms. I know because I have experienced them. You can drive yourself crazy by looking up symptoms and you will convince yourself you have 9 deadly diseases. It sounds just like anxiety to me. On this forum there is a thread up at the top with a list of symptoms. You can look at that and see how much anxiety can cause. In the meantime try not to worry about it, you are young and the chances of you having something seriously wrong with you is slim. See what your doctor says but I would recommend also seeing a psychiatrist who understands anxiety more. There is also an amazing book you can buy called "The Mood Cure" by Julia Ross. It has almost cured my anxiety and if you read the reviews on amazon it has helped so many people. There is a lot of good information out there and don't feel alone because unfortunately many people suffer from anxiety.

07-22-2012, 11:40 PM
It does sound like anxiety. Reading up on it is good. It's good to be informed. Just don't go over board. Too much info can do the opposite! The best advice I could give is to let your parents know. Let them read up on it with you. Then they can understand it better. It will help them to know its not uncommon, and it is very real. This forum would be a good place to let them read articles. There's really good info here. But know you're not alone! There are many that have it! And you know, maybe it will help just being able to talk them about it! Wish you all the best!
God bless! :)
Thanks hun my daddy got me a book called my anxious mind by michael a. tompkins and katherine martinez. its for teenagers :)

07-22-2012, 11:41 PM
Heyy I'm 16 and know how scary it is I was just doctor diagnosed with GAD la few months ago and it sounds like what u are going threw is the same as wat I did but go to the doctor and see for sure
Aww you're only a year older than me I know it's really scary especially for us young ones...I think I might have GAD.

07-22-2012, 11:43 PM
Anxiety and stress can cause so many weird and scary symptoms. I know because I have experienced them. You can drive yourself crazy by looking up symptoms and you will convince yourself you have 9 deadly diseases. It sounds just like anxiety to me. On this forum there is a thread up at the top with a list of symptoms. You can look at that and see how much anxiety can cause. In the meantime try not to worry about it, you are young and the chances of you having something seriously wrong with you is slim. See what your doctor says but I would recommend also seeing a psychiatrist who understands anxiety more. There is also an amazing book you can buy called "The Mood Cure" by Julia Ross. It has almost cured my anxiety and if you read the reviews on amazon it has helped so many people. There is a lot of good information out there and don't feel alone because unfortunately many people suffer from anxiety.
That's EXACTLY what I did I looked my symptoms up and I terrified myself which only made my symptoms worse. I will see my doctor and my mom is planning on taking me to see a psychiatrist and thanks I'll definetly check that book out :)