View Full Version : Symptoms of anxiety/panic

07-22-2012, 12:59 PM
What are some of your symptoms of anxiety or panic? I know that all of us will probably have some common symptoms but I'm sure some of us get symptoms that are more rare with others and by sharing, you may put someone's mind at ease. Some of my symptoms are sweaty palms and feet, racing heart, upset stomach, feeling of passing out, feeling like i need to run away or get away from something,Trouble breathing and racing thoughts. Just the last month I have had frequent palpitations and a gurgling like feeling in my stomach ( like I have extra air in my stomach). So what kinds of symptoms do you experience?

07-22-2012, 03:59 PM
I'm pretty bad right now. I've been having:
Nausea (finally passed a couple days ago)
Lump in throat
Night sweats
Hypnic jerks
Burning all over ( starting to finally pass)
A lot of adrenaline rushes
Palpitations ( haven't had one this weekend we'll see how Monday goes they were pretty bad at work last week)

07-22-2012, 05:08 PM
Light headed, off balance, feeling faint and chest pain predominantly. It sucks!

07-22-2012, 05:31 PM
Feeling off balance or clumsy
A nervous feeling that won't go away
Feeling dizzy
Chest pain
Stomach aches
Body parts feeling sore (arms, legs, neck, etc...)
Muscle twitching
I don't get all of those at the same time, they all come in different combinations. I'm so used to them I've learned to ignore them. Usually when I ignore them, they slowly fade away.

07-22-2012, 05:45 PM
Feeling like I'm going to die
Freaking out
Strange feelings that my body and mind don't belong together
Thumping heart palpitations, so much so that my body shakes
Chest pains and feeling as though I'm having a heart attack / my hearts suddenly going to stop
Pins and needles in my arms and legs
Not being able to swallow or breathe properly
Feeling dizzy and having blurred vision

As Per Atalia... I have learned to face my panic attacks, and by training yourself to not panic and let the feelings pass, you will find they will disappear much quicker as you know the signs and understand the symptoms.

Also if you allow yourself to go into panic mode, all you will do is make yourself 10 times worse. Best thing to do is try and relax, calm down and understand its ONLY a panic attack and it will pass. Half the time we fear the fear of having one!