View Full Version : Tips ASAP

07-21-2012, 09:57 PM
Guys I'm desperate can you please give me any tips on how to calm my anxiety ,I'm seriously in a really bad place in my life right now,it's literally taken over my life ,I need some serious help !,please some tips other then medicine please

07-21-2012, 10:23 PM
Hiya, I'm sorry your really struggling right now. Here's some things that I do that help me, I don't know if you've tried them or not but they work for me so maybe they could help you too! :] It's also part of something I already posted in another topic.

maybe try some tea, if you have any. Chamomile and green tea has worked wonders for me. Also ice water, drinking it and holding the glass to my temples helps. A bath or shower could help. As well as maybe watching a happy movie, something from childhood that brings good memories? Those are all the techniques I know of because they're the ones that help me. I hope I may have been of some help atleast. Perhaps it's good to know we're all in similar boats too. Also, I've always been a hardcore gamer, I'd play any game I could, but lately since anxiety hit, I can only tolerate cheerful games with little to no violence, or ones not too graphic. That include the Sims, strategy games that keep me thinking. There is a game called League of Legends that is free to download and play with millions on it, it is competitive and fun. I like it because it keeps my mind off of anxiety because I'm too busy thinking about how to win :P So games that keep you thinking can help take your mind off it.

Best of luck to you! I hope tons of other people hop in here and give advice as well.

07-22-2012, 10:44 AM
I discovered if I was in the middle of an attack I could "chill it out." I would turn the A/C down, turn on fans and wet every exposed inch of skin with a washcloth. If I could get myself to start shivering, that seemed to use up my nervous energy and I could fall asleep. I also discovered having a good bawling cry would help for a time. Thankfully I'm a sentimental girl so inducing tears in an anxious state is never that hard.

Maybe try to take up a new hobby? I took up knitting and it helped wonderfully1 I can now keep my hands busy and when I try to learn a complex new pattern or stitch I find I get completely absorbed and don’t' have time to notice anxiety. Plus you get a real confidence boost when you conquer a new challenge or finish a project.