View Full Version : Fear of passing out

07-21-2012, 07:33 PM
Does anyone else have this fear? I don't know why I do, I haven't ever passed out before but the thought of it really freaks me out

cat eyes
07-21-2012, 08:07 PM
I feel this all the time and feel like I am going to die any minute. It sucks!!

07-21-2012, 08:09 PM
I do, when in the middle of an anxiety episode. Like at the peak, I start feeling very dehydrated like drymouth and all that. and then I feel like my hearts pumping so fast I might just black out. That's when I start having the fear of it. I'm scared of it happening near a hard floor because I feel I might knock my head pretty hard, and cause a concussion or something.

07-22-2012, 07:27 AM
yeah, I used to be like that. For a long time my anxiety stemmed from this irrational fear of fainting and it stopped me from leaving the house for a long period of time. I am like you and have never fainted so who knows why I was like that. But with help from my psychotherapist and taking pills to reduce my anxiety i am totally fine now. I spent a lot of time trying to conquer these thoughts and now I seem to have a rational way of thinking about it. I have no reason to faint, it has never happened before and if it did then so what- it would be a horrible experience but that is it. Do you see a professional that you could talk to about this? I think that would really help you.

cat eyes
07-22-2012, 09:14 AM
Buttercup, what meds are you on to help? I also have the fear of passing out or dying.

07-22-2012, 12:04 PM
Fear of passing out, dying, having a stroke, going blind (???), going psycothic, dying on my sleep...These are all fears I have when I'm having a bad day. Because of all the anxiety, your brain thinks something is really wrong and you need to do something about it but there's no real threat around you, so your brain has the brilliant idea to hold on a scary though because there has to be a reason for the fear that you're feeling.

When your head is a little more clear you realize how irrational they are, I think all you can do is try to think rationally and laugh at how stupid this whole thing is.

07-22-2012, 12:09 PM
JConley, do you know someone who has issues with seizures? If you do, maybe that's making you worried that you'll pass out.

07-22-2012, 12:15 PM
I feel like I'm gonna pass out, go blind or drop dead at some point nearly everyday, sometimes all day. I don't know what thoughts I'm having that drive these horrible symptoms but I just battle it one day at a time. Drives me crazy, but you are not alone.

07-22-2012, 12:48 PM
My brother has had some seizures and didn't have the first one until he was 24. He doesn't have any medical conditions and has had numerous tests and the dr still can figure out why he has them. The first one he had, he was just walkin in the woods with some friends and fell over with the seizure. There was no indication that he would have one or why. I do think about that as well. If he could have one out of the blue for no reason then why couldn't that happen to me?

07-22-2012, 04:02 PM
Buttercup, what meds are you on to help? I also have the fear of passing out or dying.

I am on citalopram (40mg) and a beta blocker (80mg slow release daily). The beta blocker is incredibly helpful as it reduces adrenaline and therefore stops your heart from racing when you are anxious.

cat eyes
07-22-2012, 04:13 PM
Buttercup, I take 5mg of celexa
And dr wants to bump up to 10mg but I am afraid of side effects