View Full Version : wondering if this is anxiety

07-21-2012, 10:19 AM
hi all i'm not sure if this is anxiety i have. it all started when i was sitting watching tv and this commercial came on about having a heart attack from smoking and on april14th i quit smoking. om may 21st i hade this really weird attack i had my husband take me to ER and after cheacking me out the DR told me i had a panic attack so he sent me home with ativan i never used it cause im really scared about pills i went to my GP and told him what happened and he gave my paxil and i had a really bad freak out on it and had to go back to ER they told me it was a side affect of the paxil so i stopped taking it after all that a week went by and i had this weird feeling every morning i would wake up and feel like i was shaking so bad on the inside and all i did was worrie about dieing.i went back to smoking to see if it would all go away and it just made it worse.i ended up back in the ER cause my heart was racing it was up to 179beats a min so they kept me for 4 days and checked my heart and said it was fine i just had a fast heat beat and they put me on a beta blocker and its really helped with my racing heart and i havent had a panic attack since then but i still have this horrible feeling in my stomach and shaky feeling on the inside. im still trying to quit smoking but its really hard. does anyone on here still smoke with their anxiety or have quit smoking have any good tips to quit
i just started seeing a theripist i have my 2nd day with her next week. any tips to help would be so helpful

thanks for listening to me

07-21-2012, 10:22 AM
It's anxiety and yor having panic attacks do you breath threw them are you active ie go for walks exercise keep your mind occupied

07-21-2012, 11:23 AM
I smoke very heavily- caffeine I think was my worst trigger

07-21-2012, 12:26 PM
I quit a month ago. I really don't think it server a difference for me and I keep wanting to smoke.

07-21-2012, 12:49 PM
Your story matches mine! About 5 months ago I quit smoking and a week later panic attacks, er and doctor put me on celexa and it got worse from there. Stopped taking celexa and started smoking again to see of that was it but nope. Kept on coming. Now on Prozac and vitamins with extra magnesium. Still smoking but doing better than I was. Afraid to quit and afraid not to quit cause I'm doing ok. But I want to quit but I don't want panic and anxiety if I do. Seems like that's where it all started for me.