View Full Version : Scared to fall asleep

07-21-2012, 09:45 AM
I've been going to bed mega late most nights due to this Anxiety, as late as 6am (Been doing it for weeks now) and now my head is falling off my head at 1:43am and I am scared I won't wake up. I haven't drank any water today but tons of Orange Juice. I'll be having some water now to see if any of it helps.

Is it normal to hold a consistent sleeping pattern and without using much energy over a period of 3-4 weeks just feel tired hours earlier?.

07-21-2012, 11:38 AM
It happens for me. I sometimes can't sleep before 12 pm. Two weeks ago I couldn't sleep and I went to the beach with my friends at 8 am and stayed with them till 11 pm and I couldn't sleep till 8 am the next day Although I haven't had any sleep the day before.

07-21-2012, 01:35 PM
That's how it is with me. I can't sleep till at least 4AM. I'm trying to fight it and get back to going to bed at around 11PM, because I've been applying for jobs like crazy lately and if I get one, I'll need to be on a normal schedule, unless it's 3rd shift.

I think you should drink lots of water, juice is good too, I think. I thought I heard somewhere before that citrus isn't good for anxiety but maybe that was for something else. Anyway, iced water helps me sleep and calm down during episodes of anxiety, has to have ice in it though for me. Also, chamomile tea. If you're scared you won't wake up, try to convince yourself that you will, even though it's hard. Tell yourself it'll just be like every other day you wake up normally, and that there is nothing to be afraid of or like say "Well, I woke up today, I'll wake up tommoro. I'm just scaring myself. Nothing to worry about. Goosfrabba..."