View Full Version : The Chat Room

02-16-2007, 10:01 AM
Hi everyone. I was just wondering why no one uses the live chat room? Surely it would be quicker than asking for advice and help via the forum. Also, we could all chat, get to know each other and help each other through hard times.

I have been in there quite a few times and no one is ever in there. A shame as it is a tool that could be used to great effect.

Something to ponder. I keep a separate window open with the chat room in it.


02-16-2007, 10:39 AM
Its simply a case of having a time when everyone or at least more than one person is online. I am online most weekdays from 9-10am to 5pm (my wife is home weekends so I tend to be out.), if you wanna chat PM me with the time and I'll be there. Feel free to state a time when you will be in the chatroom and I'm sure others will join you.

Duncan :)

02-16-2007, 03:31 PM
I'm up for chatting too, but we're all on-line at different times. I'm in Nova Scotia and tend to log-in during the evening. If anyone needs to chat when I'm on-line, PM me and I'll be happy to chat with you.

V for Victor
02-16-2007, 03:54 PM
I'm in the chat room right now, so if you wanna talk...