View Full Version : how long does your panic attack last?

07-21-2012, 08:45 AM
Hey everyone! I want some input on how long your panic attack lasts? I feel like my physical symptoms far outpower my thoughts. And they last longer too. Of I get stressed and have a panic attack, even if I remove myself from the stressful situation, my panic continues. But its the physical symptoms that continue and not my thoughts of the situation. I had one a few months ago, where I was still feel burning sensations hours after the initial attack. Active else have physical symptoms that last long like that?

07-22-2012, 10:35 AM
Some of my physical syptoms used to laswt for hours, until I realized I was continuing to feed them with my anxiety. Soetimes my panic attacks were even triggered by experiencing sensations like my attack symptoms in a completely unrelated way. I eventually learned how to keep my panic from rising into a full blown attack, but then I was stuck "on the edge" for hours. I would be trembling, on the verge of tears, nauseated, stomach cramping, unable to swallow for up to a couple of hours or even half the day. I realize that this wasn't actually coping and just made my anxiety worse.

Eventually, I used CBT and learned how to nip my panic in the bud and let things go. Plus the new perscription for citalopram seemed to help! I haven't had an actual attak in over 6 months and I only had a handful of "verging" events and they are much shorter now. There is hope on the horizon!

07-22-2012, 12:11 PM
Learning to control your thoughts is key. It's better than having your thoughts control you.

07-22-2012, 12:33 PM

I have been trying acupressure techniques, but other than that, nothing. I don't have insurance right now (I will in January), so I haven't been to the doctor recently. It seems like everything gives me anxiety. I all the time that something bad is going to happen when I least expect it. So, I'm always on "alert". I have convinced myself, through years of worry and obsession, that 2012 is for real and something bad is going to happen on December 21. It's like my thoughts have a certain way they have been traveling for years and I can't get them to take another route.

07-22-2012, 12:35 PM
Quinderella, what is CBT?

07-22-2012, 05:22 PM
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is what CBT means.

07-22-2012, 05:59 PM

Depends where you draw the line between anxiety and panic attack really... and your definition of both.

The whole process starts with some kinda fear, either subliminal or obvious.
This triggers a physical reaction, which in turn causes physical symptoms, which in turn triggers further fear... and so on, until eventually you're pretty much out of control & freaking like a zebra at a lions tea party...

Where along this hideous path we decide anxiety crosses over to panic attack perhaps varies somewhat from person to person.

For me, a panic attack will be an off-the-scales heart rate, a chest so tight you could deflect a bullet off it, an overwhelming feeling of impending death and a sense of being nearly totally out of control.
(I say nearly because I've still managed to drive some 5 miles in this state)

This crescendo of symptomatic, biological mayhem would typically last for 10 minutes or so, but, the absolute peak (the point where you are staring satan in the face) would last for maybe 3-5 minutes.

The after affects of a full-blown, butt-kicking panic attack could last for many, many hours.
I've felt like i've been in a been in a boxing ring with a T-rex afterward... where it's actually taken a few days to recover, both physically & mentally.

07-22-2012, 07:22 PM
Hello, having a panic attack is just like awakening your inner 'incredible hulk', which triggers the fight or flight mode! However, you have no control or whatsoever on it but it makes you more aware of your surroundings and keeps you at bay on things that are supposedly a threat to your 'survival'. You heart starts palpitating so hard, you begin to perspiring, adrenaline pumping. More blood is pumped to your muscles and so that you will be able to escape (almost like you are on steroids) or evacuate faster and you perspire because it will be hard for your 'enemies' to grab you.

When I first had my panic attack, I chose the flight mode. I went to the toilet to calm myself down. Try some breathing techniques! I'm not sure how long my panic attacked last, it seemed like forever but I bet it was just a few lousy minutes! In fact I read somewhere that a panic attack will last at most 10 minutes! Of course, some symptoms might persist.

At last, I took xanax when I went home and felt more calm and at ease.

07-22-2012, 09:45 PM
I think my panic attacks are due from stress. Then I get to thinking about the what ifs and doubt things. Sometimes its just one little thought that triggers the symptoms, and other times I think its stress that triggers them. I end up panicking more about my symptoms than I do the situation.

07-23-2012, 04:53 AM
Even though I have been dealing with panic attacks for over 4 years now, I haven't learnt to manage the symptoms - especially when driving.

My worst attack ever lasted a full blown 3 hours and even though I knew it was a panic attack, I had to go to hospital - I hadn't had a bad attack in months and had no Valium in the house. I have also had other situational attacks that have lasted for 40 minutes to an hour, but resolve themselves once I am out of the situation.

It sucks, but I'm working hard in therapy to manage them better.